(Greg DeLong) #1

activity, are just that, ideas and insights...philosophical gems of
thoughts that serve little practical value. In the end, when the
conversation is over, or when the training class has ended, or when
the book has been placed back on the shelf, it is your own
discipline that will be the magic catalyst that gives substance and
depth to your plans and dreams.
In the ideas that follow lie the keys to the good life, the
fundamentals for success, happiness, and pride in your own
magnificent accomplishments. Once you’ve gathered up these ideas
and these new insights, it will take your own discipline to make the
basic fundamentals and your own instinctive responses to life’s
challenges and life’s opportunities. The ultimate question cannot
be whether you are going to make the fundamental disciplines your
own. The question is, When?
With the intense and consistent application of worthy disciplines, we, you
and I, and those we know and can influence, have the individual and collective
capacity to change ourselves, our income, our attitudes, our lifestyle, and our affect
on other people. We can change opinions, and we can change directions. We can
change leadership. We can even change the direction of our nation. We have the
chance. We have the capacity. We have the answers. And, we have the abilities.
The elements are all there, including the freedom to try or even not to try. Only the
discipline is missing. And that element and the decision to use it lies within all of
us. The choice is ours. The time is now.
If not us, who? If not now, when?

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