(Greg DeLong) #1

course. It goes along pretty well and then it starts to drift, we’ve got
to bring it back, it starts to drift, we bring it back, it starts to drift.
That’s just part of life. So the goose does overeat, I understand
that. Perhaps we do pay too many taxes. And the government does
spend some of our money a bit recklessly, I understand that. But
Jesus did say you’ve got to take care of Caesar. Because part of
Caesar’s responsibility is to be the goose that lays the golden eggs.
We do have to have a society, we do have to have a government or
we have no market. And among the governments of the world we
do have to protect ourselves. Someone has to pay for the radar,
and the Polaris submarines, and the B-52’s, and the missiles.
Someone’s got to pay. I don’t mind picking up my share of the
radar, and hiring someone to watch it, to make sure ‘they’ stay over
there. We’ve got to do that. We’ve got to care and feed the goose.
Mr. Shoaff taught me to be a happy taxpayer. That was a
whole new thing for me. Be a happy taxpayer, not a reluctant
taxpayer! You’ve got to care and feed the goose. And in this
country you know it’s just a portion of our incomes. Maybe it’s a
little too much, but pay it happily anyway. Maybe they’ll straighten
it out and it will come down a little bit. Just pay it gladly. We have
to have the army, and the navy and the air force and the
submarines, and the battleships. We have to have a show of
strength. We have to be a leader among the free world. We really
do. And all of that has to be paid for, so I don’t mind picking up my
share. And everybody ought to pay his or her share. In my
personal opinion the poorest of the poor ought to pay federal
income taxes, even if it’s only a dollar a year, so they have the sense
of contributing to the care and feeding of the goose. Instead of just
taking they also contribute. At least a dollar a year so that they
have a sense of helping to pay for the safety and the security of the
country. With our present army, navy, air force, governmental
structure, and what safety we do have around the world keeps us
here secure in our homes. Where we can work and enjoy each
other’s commerce possibilities, trade goods and services, and make
money, enjoy ourselves, and have parties. Now if someone is willing
to do all that out there while we’re here having fun making money
and having parties I don’t mind picking up my share of the tab.
So, Caesar’s first. Pay Caesar first. Then what you have left
after paying Caesar needs to be divided up. The book, The Richest

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