(Greg DeLong) #1

bulbs?” To the same people who are buying your soap. Just right
down the street.
Financial independence. Put your plan together and get your
family excited about it. Get the kids excited about it, your
husband, and your wife. This is something that everybody works
on, everybody has a financial statement, everybody is knowing
where it’s going and everybody has a celebration every once in
awhile when the assets are going up, and the liabilities are coming
down, and the net worth is changing. Make it a source of
We’re among an incredible group in comparing financial
statements. I think the major guy in our group is worth about fifty
million dollars. He becomes an incredible incentive for the rest of
us. It’s nice to have somebody around that’s carrying that kind of
heavy. It gives you something to shoot for. You may say, “Hey I’m
looking pretty good,” and then you see somebody’s financial
statement and you say, “Well, I have a ways to go.” Play it like a
game, get excited about it. Develop the skills in how to earn money.
Think of enterprises, investments, developing more skills so you can
earn more money. But then have an incredibly excellent plan on
what to do with your money. And sure enough, very quickly, the
first year, the second year, the third year, you can’t believe the
changes that will start to be made. And the major change, of
course, is in your own self-confidence. And that’s where riches
come from, self-confidence. It’s not the growing bank account, it’s
your growing awareness that you’re in charge, you’ve got a plan,
and you’re on track. It’s changing because you changed it. It’s
different because you made it different. It’s growing because you
made certain commitments to yourself. And those kinds of feelings
are where the treasure is.
Because the true treasure is in personal development.
Happiness is not contained in what you get. Happiness is
contained in what you become. But sure enough, what you become
is related to what you get. So you can take a look at what you’ve
gotten and have great satisfaction that you’re the one who designed
it, you’re the one who defined it, you just didn’t let it drift and get
into trouble. You made the changes - you made the hard decisions.
So for your own financial independence, get the book, get some
other books, do some reading, make it a game, play it, have a plan,

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