islam, politics and change

(Ann) #1

neo-sufism, shariatism, and ulama politics 237

woman to become a true Muslim so that he or she can be on friendly
terms or associate with both the Creator (khaliq) and creatures (makhluq),

and have a noble character (akhlaq) and affection. The result will be the

unity of the commmunity (umma) who follow the Prophet and are true


According to Amran Waly, it is such knowledge that has been neglected
by most ulama in Aceh, Indonesia and Southeast Asia. That is why he
makes such a great effort to develop and spread Tauhid-Tasawuf teachings

through the mptt in Southeast Asia.

4.3Wahdat al-Wujudandal-Insan al-Kamil: Reinterpreting IbnʿArabi
through Al-Jili

In November 2009, Amran Waly publishedSekelumit Penjelasan tentang
Ajaran Tauhid-Tasawuf Abuya Syekh H. Amran Waly & Penjelasan
beberapa ucapanʿAbdul Karim al-Jili dalam Kitabnya al-Insanul-Kamil fi
Maʿrifatil-Awakhir wal-Awaʾil(Brief Clarification of the Teachings of
Tauhid-Tasawuf of Abuya Syekh H. Amran Waly and an Explanation of a
number of Remarks byʿAbd Karim al-Jili’s in his Book al-Insanul-Kamil
fi Maʿrifatil-Awakhir wal-Awaʾil). The book was controversial because
it discusses the opinions ofʿAbd Karim al-Jili (d. 1428),⁵⁷ whom many
Sharia ulama accuse of expressing the ‘deviant’ teaching ofal-Insan
al-Kamilwhich in fact contains the teaching of IbnʿArabi of wahdat
al-wujud.ʿAbd Karim bin Ibrahim al-Jili, a Sufi master from Yemen, was a
descendant of the famous SufiʿAbd al-Qadir al-Jilani (d. 1166) and entered
the Qadiriyya order. He was a disciple of Shaykh Sharaf al-Din Ismail

 Ibid.
ʿAbd Karim bin Ibrahim al-Jili wrote about 30 books and treatises, of which
al-Insān al-Kāmil fī Maʿrifat al-Awākhir wa al-Awāʾilis the best known. It is
based on IbnʿArabi’s concept of Insan Kamil in which he discussed three
stages for the perfect man. The first,badaʾah(beginning), when a human
is given his divine attributes; second,tawassut(intermediate stage), when
the perfect human being, who is both human and divine, can understand
both human and divine realities and receive all knowledge (both seen and
unseen); third,khitam(end), when the perfect human being is given power
that can be used in the natural world and gives him or her power over any
other being; Reynold A. Nicholson,Studies in Islamic Mysticism(Richmond,
Surrey: Curzon Press, 1994), 81; H. Ritter, ‘Abd al-Karīm, Kutb al-Dīn b. Ibrāhīm
al-Jīlī’,Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd ed., P. Bearman, T. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth,
E. van Donzel, and W.P. Heinrichs (eds.) (Leiden: Brill, 2014). Reference. 08
July 2014,

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