islam, politics and change

(Ann) #1

internal dynamics of the prosperous justice party and jamaah tarbiyah 77

However, the development of the jt and pks also resembles Bayat’s

notion of post-Islamism, in which political Islam, exhausted by its own

mission of building a comprehensive Islamic way of life both in society

and in the state, has started to adopt programmes it once criticised, such
as democracy, human rights, gender equality, religious pluralism, etc.
This seems to apply to the jt-pks, which no longer perceives itself as

offering an alternative ideology and programmes to replace the existing

ones, both in the Muslim community and for the religiously plural
Indonesian people. Rather, it has started to acknowledge its ideology and
programmes as being supplementary to making the Muslim community,

Indonesian society and the Indonesian nation-state better.


Table 1pks Involvement in local governments
implementing Sharia regulations

No Region Head of Government

 Kab. Bangka Barat pks
 Kab. Bengkulu Utara pks
 Prov. Bengkulu pks
 Kab. Sukabumi pks
 Kota Depok pks
 Kab. Bekasi pks
 Kota Banjarmasin pks
 Kab. Kepulauan pks
 Kab. Kampar pks
 Kab. Solok Selatan pks
 Prov. Bangka Belitung Other Party
 Kab. Pandeglang Other Party
 Kab. Serang Other Party
 Kab. Muko-Muko Other Party
 Kab. Gorontalo Other Party
 Prov. Gorontalo Other Party
 Kab. Cianjur Other Party
 Kab. Indramayu Other Party
 Kota Tasikmalaya Other Party
 Kota Semarang Other Party
 Kab. Cilacap Other Party
 Kab. Gresik Other Party

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