(^150) Medical-Surgical Nursing Demystified
back pain that leads to varying degrees of spinal stiffness over time. The disease
is characterized by acute painful exacerbations and remissions.
- Severe lower back pain after a period of inactivity due to inflammation and
stiffness - Reduced motion of the lumbar area of the spine due to the pain of inflam-
- Spinal x-ray: joints show the characteristic Bamboo spine that is a late sign.
Early x-rays may show arthritic erosion. - Blood serum contains the HLA-B27 antigen, which is present in about 90 per-
cent of those with AS. - Elevated ESR.
Nonpharmacologic measures include patient education, family education, genetic
counseling, positioning, extension exercises, and physical therapy. The primary
goals are to relieve pain, decrease inflammation, begin strengthening exercises, and
maintain good posture and function. Medications take an empiric approach. If one
NSAID is not effective for that particular patient, another is tried. Corticosteroids
should not be utilized for long-term management due to the systemic effects.
- Stretching exercises—to maintain flexibility.
- Back brace—to maintain posture.
- Administer nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent—to decrease inflammation
and for the analgesic effect.- aspirin
- ibuprofen
- indomethacin
- sulfasalazine
- sulindac
- Physical therapy.