(^154) Medical-Surgical Nursing Demystified
Treatment depends on the staging, which is based on the number of involved
lymph nodes, and the number of cavities, and bone marrow involvement.
- Radiation in the affected tissue to shrink the nodes.
- Administer Hodgkin’s disease medication:
- vincristine
- doxorubicin
- bleomycin
- dacarbazine
- Administer non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma medication:
- cyclophosphamide
- vincristine
- doxorubicin
- rituximab
- prednisone
- radiation
- Impaired tissue integrity
- Risk for infection
- Ineffective protection
- Monitor vital signs to determine variations from baseline.
- Monitor for complications such as new palpable lymph nodes and fever.
- Increase fluid intake.
- Increase calories, protein, iron, calcium, and vitamins and minerals to counter-
act weight loss. - Administer prescribed antiemetic medication for nausea.
- Monitor laboratory results for blood counts in response to chemotherapy.