Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

(^194) Medical-Surgical Nursing Demystified

  • Pain

  • Impaired mobility

  • Risk for injury


  • Protect the patient from falling.

  • Monitor input and output due to renal function changes.

  • Perform muscle-strengthening exercises.

  • Explain to the patient:

    • No lifting.

    • Be alert for fractures.

Polycythemia Vera


A myeloproliferative disorder that results in an overproduction of blood cells and
a thickening of blood. The hallmarks of polycythemia vera include excessive
production of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The excess of cells
present in the blood causes problems with the flow of blood through vessels,
especially the smaller ones. There will be an increase in peripheral vascular
resistance causing increased pressure, and vascular stasis in the smaller vessels,
potentially causing thrombosis or tissue hypoxia. Organ damage may result
because of these changes.


After diagnosis of polycythemia vera, the average survival time is 10 to 15 years
with appropriate treatment, less than 2 years without treatment. Some patients may
go on to develop acute leukemia. Complications usually arise from thrombosis or
tissue hypoxia.


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