Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

(^206) Medical-Surgical Nursing Demystified


  1. Your patient is diagnosed with anemia and is often fatigued. She asks you
    why she feels this way. You tell her that it is because of:
    (a) Destruction (hemolysis) of the red blood cells.
    (b) Decreased oxygen-carrying capability of the blood.
    (c) Paleness (pallor) of the skin.
    (d) Lack of nutritional intake of essential nutrients, such as iron or B 12.

  2. Your patient is diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. She asks you how
    this happened to her. The best response is:
    (a) Insomnia.
    (b) An increase in iron intake.
    (c) Low salt intake.
    (d) Heavy menses or an inadequate intake of iron.

  3. Your patient is showing signs of clotting and bleeding concurrently. You
    recognize this as signs of:
    (a) Disseminated intravascular coagulation.
    (b) Hemophilia.
    (c) Multiple myeloma.
    (d) Polycythema vera.

  4. Patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) have an increased
    risk of bleeding. Therefore you must carefully monitor:
    (a) Platelet count and RBC.
    (b) WBC and bleeding time.
    (c) PT and PTT.
    (d) Iron and ferritin levels.

  5. Your patient is diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis (DVT). A priority
    intervention is:
    (a) Daily monitoring of platelet counts.
    (b) Use of intermittent warm soaks of the affected area.
    (c) Application of ice packs to the affected area every 4 to 6 hours.
    (d) Increasing dietary intake of foods rich in vitamin K.

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