Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

CHAPTER 5 Nervous System^219


  • Administer corticosteroids to decrease inflammation (unclear if there is a
    definitive benefit):

    • prednisone in divided doses for first few days, then taper down

  • Administer artificial tears to maintain moisture within eyes.


  • Disturbed sensory perception

  • Disturbed body image


  • Monitor for pain control.

  • Monitor for visual changes—dryness of eye can lead to irritation of cornea.

  • Monitor patient for reaction to medications.

  • Provide meals in private—patient may have difficulty keeping food in mouth
    and may not feel food or liquid that is drooling out side of mouth.

  • Explain to patient:

    • How to properly instill artificial tear drops.

    • How to use eye patch.

Brain Abscess


Collection of pus creates a space-occupying area within the brain. Symptoms are
similar to any other space-occupying lesion. The infection may be a primary site
within the brain or may have traveled from nearby sites such as the ear or sinuses
through bone erosion. It may also enter the brain via the systemic circulation from
any infected site in the body, such as the lungs in bronchiectasis. The organism
causes a local inflammatory reaction; there is pus and liquification of the affected
tissue. Cerebral edema of the surrounding tissue occurs. The area becomes en-


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