CHAPTER 5 Nervous System^229
- furosemide
- mannitol
- Impaired physical mobility
- Disturbed thought processes
- Range of motion exercises—active or passive.
- Turn and position patient.
- Monitor neurologic status for changes—typically use Glasgow Coma Scale
or similar tool to grade response to stimuli (highest score 15)- Eye-opening response spontaneous^4
to sound 3
to pain 2
none 1 - Motor responses obeys commands^6
localizes pain 5
withdrawal (normal) 4
abnormal flexion 3
extension 2
none 1 - Verbal responses oriented^5
confused conversation 4
inappropriate words 3
incomprehensible sounds 2
none 1
- Eye-opening response spontaneous^4
- Provide a quiet environment to decrease unnecessary stimulation.
- Monitor fluid input and output.
- Explain to the patient and family:
- Home care needs.
- Necessity of turning and positioning.
- Medication actions, side effects, and interactions.