Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

CHAPTER 10 Integumentary System^413

  • Wound closure, either by sutures, steri strips, or dressings.

  • Dirty wounds are usually left open to heal by secondary intention.

  • Antibiotics if necessary, usually 7 to 10 days.


  • Impaired tissue integrity

  • Risk of infection

  • Impaired skin integrity


  • Explain to the patient:

    • Disease process.

    • Signs of infection, i.e., swelling, redness, increase in pain, fever, chills,
      drainage, bleeding, foul odor, or reopening of wound.

    • Medication, including indication for, frequency of use, and side effects.

    • Demonstrate proper dressing change techniques, including frequency,
      proper hand washing, cleansing of wound, and application of topicals
      if ordered.

    • Adequate nutrition and hydration.

    • Elevation of affected limb, if indicated.

    • Rest, decrease in activities.

    • Proper immunization schedules

Crucial Diagnostic Tests

Allergy Skin Testing

An allergy skin test is used to confirm whether such symptoms as sneezing,
wheezing, and skin rashes are caused by allergies. The test is performed by
exposing an area of the skin to the extract of an allergen and then evaluating the
skin’s reaction. A wheal and/or erythema indicate confirmation of the allergy. An

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