Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

(^30) Medical-Surgical Nursing Demystified

  • Fatigue—due to infectious process.

  • Murmurs—new or changing.


  • Blood culture and sensitivity test.

    • Three sets of cultures one hour apart to determine the specific organism
      so treatment can be started.

  • Echocardiogram is used to detect vegetation on valves or heart valves dam-
    aged by the microorganism, and also to determine which valves are involved.

  • Transesophageal echocardiogram offers a view to detect vegetation on heart
    valves or view heart valves damaged by a microorganism.

  • Chest x-ray to look for underlying cardiac abnormality and pulmonary


Treatment depends on the underlying infectious agent. Empiric treatment should
be started while waiting for culture results. Outcomes are affected by possible
valvular destruction, emboli, and growth of bacteria on the valves or endocardium.

  • Administer antibiotics based on the result of culture and sensitivity test.

  • Valve replacement may be necessary if damage to valves is significant.

  • Bed rest to decrease demand on heart.


  • Decrease cardiac output

  • Risk for injury

  • Activity intolerance


  • Monitor for signs of heart failure due to increased stress on heart due to
    altered valve function.

    • Breathing difficulties (dyspnea).

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