Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

CHAPTER 15 Pain Management^555

  1. Your postdischarge instructions for a 65-year-old male with peripheral neu-
    ropathy from diabetes would include:
    (a) Walk barefoot to increase the stimulation.
    (b) Wear socks and shoes.
    (c) Check feet weekly for wounds.
    (d) Soak feet in hot water daily.

  2. On the first postoperative day after a fractured femur, the patient is resting
    quietly, watching TV. Your nursing interventions would include:
    (a) asking the patient what their pain level is on a scale of 1 to 10.
    (b) administering an ordered dose of opioid.
    (c) encouraging ambulation.
    (d) telling the next shift nurse not to give any pain medication.

  3. A mother is concerned about her teenaged son who is depressed and irrita-
    ble. His school teachers have called, concerned about his declining grades.
    You would ask:
    (a) if you can recommend a psychiatrist.
    (b) if he has a fever.
    (c) about any family history of substance use disorders.
    (d) about any allergies.

  4. An elderly patient with chronic arthritis asks you for suggestions for pain
    relief. You advise
    (a) increasing caffeine.
    (b) marijuana.
    (c) decreasing caffeine.
    (d) guided imagery.

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