- Sixty-five-year-old Dominic is being transferred into the PACU from the
OR. Once there, initial assessment will focus on:
(a) airway, breathing, circulation, and wound site.
(b) intake, output, and intravenous access.
(c) abdominal sounds, oxygen level, and level of consciousness.
(d) pulse oximetry, pupil responses, and deep tendon reflexes. - Patient teaching for risk reduction of skin cancer should include:
(a) Having suspicious moles checked by a dermatologist.
(b) Daily sun exposure every one-half hour.
(c) Daily sun exposure of 1 hour to build tolerance.
(d) Applying moisturizer. - Denise is recovering from an open cholesystectomy. You know that be-
cause of the location of the surgery, she has an increased chance of post-
(a) myocardial infarction.
(b) respiratory complications.
(c) deep vein thrombosis.
(d) wound infection.
(^576) Medical-Surgical Nursing Demystified