Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

(^594) Index
encephalitis, 227–229
endocarditis, 29–31
endocrine functions of pancreas, 285
endocrine system, 331–369
how it works, 332–333
map of, 331
Addison’s disease, 348–349
Cushing’s syndrome, 349–351
diabetes insipidus, 345–346
diabetes mellitus, 358–363
diagnostic tests, 365–369
goiter, 338–340
Graves’ disease, 335–338
hyperparathyroidism, 356–358
hyperpituitarism (acromegaly and gigantism),
hyperprolactinemia, 343–344
hyperthyroidism, 335–338
hypoparathyroidism, 354–356
hypopituitarism, 340–341
hypothyroidism (myxedema), 333–335
metabolic syndrome (Syndrome X), 363–365
pheochromocytoma, 353–354
primary aldosteronism (Conn’s syndrome),
simple goiter, 338–340
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
secretion (SIADH), 346–348
endometrial cancer, 505–506
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatiography
(ERCP), 326–327
endotracheal intubation, 59
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA),
epidural anesthesia, 482
epidural hematoma, 212–213
epinephrine, 333
overproduction (pheochromocytoma), 353–354
epiphyseal closure, 341–342
Epstein-Barr virus, 160–162
ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangio-
pancreatiography), 326–327
ERT (estrogen replacement therapy), 511
erythocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), 78, 79, 167,
erythopoetin, 375
esophagus, 285
reflux of stomach acid into (GERD), 301–304
ESR (erythocyte sedimentation rate), 78, 79, 167, 447
estrogen, 497
estrogen replacement therapy (ERT), 511
excisional biopsy (skin), 414
exocrine functions, pancreas, 285
expiration (breathing), 86
extent of surgery, 477
extracellular fluids, 420
extrinsic asthma, 93
fatty deposits in blood vessels. Seearteriosclerosis
and atherosclerosis
fecal occult blood test, 204
female body, about, 496–497. See alsowomen’s health
femoropopliteal bypass grafts, 19
fertilization, 497
ectopic pregnancy, 503–505
infertility, 508–510
fibrin deposits in blood vessels. Seearteriosclerosis
and atherosclerosis
fibroids (leiomyomas), 507–508
fine needle biopsy/aspiration, 366
first-degree burns, 401–402
flu (influenza), 130–132
fluids and electrolytes, 419–447
how they work, 420–422
dehydration, 444–446
diagnostic tests, 446–447
hypercalcemia, 356, 428–430
hyperkalemia, 432–434
hypermagnesemia, 436–438
hypernatremia, 424–426
hyperphosphatemia, 443–444
hypocalcemia, 354, 426–428
hypokalemia, 430–432
hypomagnesemia, 434–436
hyponatremia, 422–424
hypophosphatemia, 356, 441–443
metabolic acidosis, 438–440
metabolic alkalosis, 440–441
preoperative preparation, 479
follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), 497
testing for, 366
follicular phase, menstrual cycle, 497
food, digestion of, 285
food intake
anorexia nervosa, 465–467
bulimia nervosa, 467–469
preoperative, 479
fractures (skeletal), 266–268
frontal lobe (brain), 211
tumor in, 222

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