FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), 497
testing for, 366
fungal meningitis, 234–236
gallbladder, 285
inflammation of (cholecystitis), 288–290
gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) test, 328
gastric ulcers, 319, 324
gastrin, 285
gastritis, 306–308
gastroenteritis, 299–301
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 301–304
gastrointestinal bleed, 304–306
gastrointestinal system, 283–329
how it works, 284–285
map of, 283
appendicitis, 286–287
assessment after surgery, 483
cholecystitis, 288–290
cirrhosis, 290–294
Crohn’s disease, 294–297
diagnostic tests, 324–329
diverticulitis disease, 297–299
gastritis, 306–308
gastroenteritis, 299–301
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD),
gastrointestinal bleed, 304–306
hepatitis, 308–311
hiatal hernia, 311–313
intestinal obstruction and paralytic ileus,
pancreatitis, 315–317
peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 319–321
peritonitis, 317–319
postoperative complications, 490–492
ulcerative colitis, 322–324
gastrointestinal tract, 284
gastroscopy, 324
gate control theory, 537
general anesthesia, 482
generalized seizures, 253
genitourinary system, 373–396
how it works, 374–375
map of, 373
acute glomerulonephritis, 379–381
benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), 375–377
bladder cancer, 377–379
diagnostic tests, 396–398
kidney cancer, 381–382
kidney stones, 382–384
prostate cancer, 384–386
pyelonephritis, 386–388
renal failure, 388–390
testicular cancer, 390–392
urinary tract infection (UTI), 392–393
GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), 301–304
gestational age, 519
gestational diabetes mellitus, 358–359, 362
GGT (gamma-glutamyl transferase) test, 328
GH (growth hormone)
measurement test, 367
overproduction (hyperpituitarism), 341–343
Ghon’s complex, 122
gigantism, 341–343
glands, 332. See alsoendocrine system
Glasgow Coma Scale, 215
glioblastoma, 222
gliomas, 222
glomerulonephritis, 379–381
glucagon, 285
glucocorticoid overproduction (Cushing’s syndrome),
glucose levels, 358
glucose tolerance test, 367
glycosylated hemoglobin (Hgb A1C) test, 367
goiter, 338–340
gout, 268–270
Gram stain (Gram’s method), 414
Graves’ disease, 335–338
grief vs. depression, 458
growth hormone (GH)
measurement test, 367
overproduction (hyperpituitarism), 341–343
Guillain-Barré syndrome, 230–232
H. pylori test, 329
Hct (hematocrit) test, 447
head injury, 212–216
heart, map of, 1
heart failure, 31–35
Cor Pulmonale and, 104–106
heartbeat, 3
heat loss during surgery, 481–482
helicobacter pylori test, 329
helper T-cells, 145
hematocrit (Hct) test, 447
hematologic studies, 78–79