Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1


acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS),
145–147, 151
anaphylaxis, 147–149
ankylosing spondylitis (AS), 149–151
diagnostic tests, 167–171
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA),
immunologic blood studies, 167–168
lymphangiography, 170–171
sputum culture and sensitivity, 169–170
Western Blot test, 169
Epstein-Barr virus (chronic fatigue syndrome),
Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS), 151–152
lyme disease, 152–153
lymphoma, 153–155
mononucleosis, 159–160
rheumatoid arthritis, 155–157
scleroderma, 157–159
septic shock, 163–165
systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), 165–167
incisional biopsy, 529
incomplete bone fractures, 266
infection, 168
of bone (osteomyelitis), 273–275
brain abscess, 218–221
bronchi and bronchioles, 99, 101
duodenal ulcers from, 319, 321
encephalitis from, 227
of endocardium, 29–31
of gastric and intestinal mucosa, 299–301
of heart muscle, 41–42
hepatitis, 308–311, 328
herpes simplex virus (HSV) test, 414–415
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 145,
human papillomavirus (HPV), 500
influenza, 130–132
of intestinal diverticula, 297–299
kidney (acute glomerulonephritis), 379–381
kidney (pyelonephritis), 386–388
lyme disease, 152–153
meningitis, 234–237
mononucleosis, 159–160
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID),
of pericardium, 42–44
perioperative, 488–490
of peritoneum, 317–319
pneumonia, 115–117
septic shock, 163–165

skin (cellulitis), 407–409
sputum culture and sensitivity, 134–135, 169–170
tuberculosis (TB), 122–124, 128
urinary tract (UTI), 392–394
inferior vena cava, 1, 3
infertility, 508–510
influenza, 130–132
informed consent, 478–479
injury, intraoperative, 481–482
INR (Internationalized Normalized Ratio), 79, 205,
inspiration (breathing), 86
insulin, 285
diabetes mellitus, 358–363
metabolic syndrome (Syndrome X), 363–365
integumentary system, 399–415
how it works, 400
map of, 399
burns, 401–403
cellulitis, 407–409
dermatitis, 403–405
diagnostic tests, 413–415
preoperative skin preparation, 479
pressure ulcers, 409–411
skin cancers, 400, 405–407
wounds and healing, 411–413
Internationalized Normalized Ratio (INR), 79, 205,
interstitial space (fluids), 420
intestinal obstruction, 313–314
intestine.Seelarge intestine; small intestine
intracellular fluids, 420
intracerebral bleed, 213
intraoperative period, 480–482
intravenous access site, 479
intrinsic asthma, 93
invasive mole (trophoblastic disease), 517–518
iodine insufficiency (simple goiter), 338–341
iron deficiency anemia, 181–183
iron replacement therapy, 182–183
iron studies, 205
ischemic stroke, 249–251
isotonic fluids, 420
ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura),

jejunum, 285
joints, 263
arthritis in. Seearthritis
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