Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

(^598) Index
visual examination of (arthroscopy), 278
x-ray of (arthrogram), 279
Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS), 151–152
kidney stones, 382–384
kidneys, 374
acid-base balance, 422
acute nephritic syndrome, 379–381
cancer of, 381–382
infection (pyelonephritis), 386–388
renal failure, 388–390
renin secretion, 421
x-ray of (KUB study), 394
KOH (potassium hydroxide preparation) test,
KS (Kaposi’s sarcoma), 151–152
KUB x-ray study, 394
labor and delivery, 521–523
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) test, 77, 328
large intestine, 285
Crohn’s disease, 294–297
diverticulitis disease, 297–299
ulcerative colitis, 322–324
laser angioplasty, 20
LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) test, 77, 328
leiomyomas (fibroids), 507–508
LES (lower esophageal sphincter), 285
leukemia, 189–192
LH (luteinizing hormone), 497
testing for, 367–368
ligaments, 263
Likert pain scale, 537
limb pain, phantom, 544–545
liver, 177, 285, 374
biopsy, 325–326
cirrhosis, 290–294
function tests, 327–328
inflation of liver cells. Seehepatitis
location (anatomical) of surgery, 477
loop of Henle, 374
Lou Gehrig’s disease, 216–218
lower gastrointestinal bleeds, 304–306
lower upper esophageal sphincter (LES), 285
lumbar puncture, 256–257
lungs, 87. See alsorespiratory system
acid-base balance, 422
assessment of (PFT), 136
biopsy, 139–140
cancer of, 110–112
lupus, 165–167
luteinizing hormone (LH), 497
testing for, 367–368
lyme disease, 152–153
lymphangiography, 170–171
lymphocytes, 144–145
lymphocytic leukemia, 189–191
lymphoma, 153–155
macrophages, 145
macules, 400
abnormally high amount (hypermagnesemia),
blood test for, 447
magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), 257
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 257, 279–280,
mammograms, 530–531
mania, 461
Mantoux intradermal skin test (PPD), 138–139
melanoma, 405, 406
menarche, 496–497
meningiomas, 222
meningitis, 234–237
menopause, 496–497, 510–512
menstrual cycle, 496–497
pain after ovulation (dysmenorrhea), 502–503
mental health, 451–471
anorexia nervosa, 465–467
anxiety, 453–456
bipolar disorder, 461–463
bulimia nervosa, 467–469
delirium, 469–471
depression, 458–460
panic disorder, 456–458
schizophrenia, 463–464
metabolic acidosis, 438–440
metabolic alkalosis, 440–441
metabolic syndrome, 363–365
MI (myocardial infarction), 11–15
mineral (dietary) sufficiency. Seecalcium;
magnesium; phosphorus; potassium;

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