(^602) Index
respiratory system (continued)
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), 87–91
acute respiratory failure, 124–127
asbestosis, 91–93
asthma, 93–96
atelectasis, 96–98
bronchiectasis, 99–101
bronchitis, 101–104
Cor Pulmonale, 104–106
diagnostic tests, 132–140
arterial blood gas (ABG), 136–137
bronchoscopy, 132
chest x-rays, 133
lung biopsy, 139–140
Mantoux intradermal skin test (PPD), 138–139
pulmonary angiography, 133–134
pulmonary function test (PFT), 136
sputum culture and sensitivity, 134–135,
thoracentesis, 135
ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) scan, 137–138
emphysema, 107–110
influenza, 130–132
lung cancer, 110–112
pleural effusion, 113–115
pneumonia, 115–117
pneumothorax, 118–120
postoperative complications, 486–488
pulmonary embolism, 127–130
respiratory acidosis, 120–122
tuberculosis (TB), 122–124, 128
restorative surgical procedures, 477
restrictive cardiomyopathy, 26
Rh incompatibility, 526–527
Rh (Rhesus) factor test, 531
RHD (rheumatic heart disease), 49–51
rheumatic heart disease (RHD), 49–51
rheumatoid arthritis, 155–157
rheumatoid factor, 167
rhonchi, 88
risks of surgery, 477
intraoperative injury, 481–482
rolling hernia, 311–312
rule of nines, 402
SA (ino-atrial) node, 3
saliva, 285
schizophrenia, 463–464
SCI (spinal cord injury), 246–249
scleroderma, 157–159
scleroderma autoantibodies, 167
scrub nurses, 481
second-degree burns, 401–402
seizure disorder, 252–255
semen analysis, 531
sensitivity and culture tests
sputum, 134–135, 169–170
urine, 394
septic shock, 163–165
septum, 1, 3
shave biopsy (skin), 414
shunt, liver, 293
SIADH (syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
hormone secretion), 346–348
sickle cell anemia, 187–189
sigmoid colon, 285
simple goiter, 338–340
simple partial seizures, 253
single photon emission computed tomography
(SPECT), 257
sino-atrial (SA) node, 3
skeletal system. Seemusculoskeletal system
skin.Seeintegumentary system
skin biopsy, 414
skin cancers, 400, 405–407
skin preparation, preoperative, 479
skull fractures, 213
SLE (systemic lupus erythematosis), 165–167
small cell lung cancer, 110
small intestine, 285
Crohn’s disease, 294–297
diverticulitis disease, 297–299
sodium (Na)
abnormally high amount (hypernatremia),
abnormally low amount (hyponatremia), 422–424
blood test for, 447
solar exposure, 405
somatotropin test, 367
SPECT (single photon emission computed
tomography), 257
spinal anesthesia, 482
spinal column, 211
myelography, 280
spinal cord injury, 246–249
spinal tap. Seelumbar puncture
spleen, 176
sputum culture and sensitivity, 134–135, 169–170
squamous cell carcinomas, 405, 406
SS-A and SS-B tests, 167
sean pound
(Sean Pound)