Slide 1

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Jangam, Mujumdar - Basic Concepts and Definition

scribe drying processes for the purposes of engineering design, analysis and optimiza-
tion. A mathematical description of the process is based on the physical mechanisms of
internal heat and mass transfer that control the process resistances, as well as the struc-
tural and thermodynamic assumptions made to formulate the model. In the constant
rate period, the overall drying rate is determined solely by the heat and mass transfer
conditions external to the material being dried, such as the temperature, gas velocity,
total pressure and partial pressure of the vapor. In the falling rate period, the rates of
internal heat and mass transfer determine the drying rate. Modeling of drying becomes
complicated by the fact that more than one mechanism may contribute to the total mass
transfer rate and the contributions from different mechanisms may even change during
the drying process.

Figure 1.8. Characteristic drying rate curve

Diffusional mass transfer of the liquid phase, as discussed earlier, is the most com-
monly assumed mechanism of moisture transfer used in modeling drying that takes
place at temperatures below the boiling point of the liquid under locally applied pres-
sure. At higher temperatures, the pore pressure may rise substantially and cause a hy-
drodynamically driven flow of vapor, which, in turn, may cause a pressure driven flow of
liquid in the porous material.

For solids with continuous pores, a surface tension driven flow (capillary flow) may
occur as a result of capillary forces caused by the interfacial tension between the water
and the solid. In the simplest model, a modified form of the Poiseuille flow can be used
in conjunction with the capillary force equation to estimate the rate of drying. Geankop-
lis (1993) has shown that such a model predicts the drying rate in the falling rate period
to be proportional to the free moisture content in the solid. At low solid moisture con-
tents, however, the diffusion model may be more appropriate.

The moisture flux due to capillarity can be expressed in terms of the product of a
liquid conductivity parameter and moisture gradient. In this case, the governing equa-
tion has, in fact, the same form as the diffusion equation.



η =
X - X*

X - X*



ν =

Normalized falling rate curve

Constant rate
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