The Marketing Book 5th Edition

(singke) #1

Consumer decision making: process, level and style 141

thinking and empirical research with the
needs of marketing managers to understand
their customers and potential customers.
Kardes, F. R. (1994) Consumer Judgment and
Decision Processes, in Wyer, R. S. and Srull,
T. K. (eds), Handbook of Social Cognition, Vol. 2,
Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, pp. 399–466. The
entire two-volume handbook is essential
reading for consumer psychologists and mar-
keting researchers. Kardes’ chapter applies
the findings of social cognition research to
consumer decision making. It is well
informed by the concerns of consumer psy-

chology and marketing management, and
provides a recent assessment of a fast-grow-
ing literature.
Laaksonen, P. (1994) Consumer Involvement:
Concepts and Research, Routledge, London. A
valuable source of recent research and
thought on consumer involvement.
Lambkin, M., Foxall, G. R., Van Raaij, F. and
Heilbrunn, B. (eds) (1998) European Per-
spectives on Consumer Behaviour, Prentice-Hall,
London. The definitive collection of Euro-
pean-authored research on consumer
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