Business-to-business marketing: organizational buying behaviour, relationships and networks 157
is truly comprehensive, and honours concepts
from the fields of individual, organizational
and social psychology, economics, manage-
ment, sociology and politics.
Webster and Wind recognize the existence
of a buying centre and argue that organiza-
tional buying is a multi-person process sub-
jected to and influenced by the aggregate
behaviour of a number of people, and also by
the interaction between them. The activities of
both individuals and the collective buying
centre are influenced by a variety of factors,
some of which are related to the buying task
(task variables which include rational and
economic motivations) and non-task variables
(a variety of emotional or non-rational reasons
for purchasing decisions).
Webster and Wind suggest that the final
buying decision is dependent on influences
exerted from four spheres:
1 The general environment
2 The organization
3 Interpersonal influences
4 The influence of the individual
It is possible to identify three key elements
of the model and their interplay, as shown in
Table 7.4.
Table 7.4 Key factors affecting organizational buying decisions
Level of influence on behaviour Source of influence Types of constraints to
behaviour that emerge
- The firm’s environment Physical, legal, economic,
technical, political, cultural,
suppliers, customers,
Information, products and
services, business conditions,
values, norms
- The organization Business climate, physical
climate, technological
climate, economic climate,
cultural climate, structure of
work, personnel,
organizational goals
Technology relevant for
purchasing organization of
the buying centre, buying
tasks, members of the
buying centre
- The buying team Technological constraints,
buying group structure,
buying group tasks, member
characteristics, member
Task and non-tasks:
- activities
- interactions
- orientations
- The individual Motivation, cognition,
personality, learning, roles
Buying decision process,
individual DM unit, group
DM unit
buying decision
Based on Webster and Wind (1972b).