The Marketing Book 5th Edition

(singke) #1

Business-to-business marketing: organizational buying behaviour, relationships and networks 169

Marketing Science Institute Working Paper,
June 1968.
Zolkiewski, J. and Turnbull, P. W. (1999) A
Review of Customer Relationship Planning:
Does Customer Profitability and Portfolio
Analysis Provide the Key to Successful Rela-
tionships, MSM Working Paper Series, Man-
chester, UK.
Zolkiewski, J. and Turnbull, P. W. (2001) Key
Account Management, Customer Portfolios
and Networks, Academic Rhetoric or Practi-
tioner Tools?, Journal of Selling and Major
Account Management, 3 (3), 55–70.

Further reading

Ames, B. C. and Hlavacek, J. D. (1984) Manage-
rial Marketing for Industrial Firms, Random
House, New York. Shows how modern mar-
keting management concepts and methods
can be applied in the realm of industrial
Chisnall, P. M. (1985) Strategic Industrial Market-
ing, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. A
clearly written and practical book by a
respected British author. It provides a sys-
tematic discussion of the principal strategic
factors in the marketing of industrial and
organizational goods and services.
Ford, D. (ed.), Hakansson, H. and Turnbull, P.
W. (1998) Managing Business Relationships,
Wiley, Chichester. This book should be essen-
tial reading for all business-to-business mar-
keting and relationship marketing courses. It
provides a synthesis of interaction and net-
work theory, yet is written in a practical,
managerially oriented way.
Ford, I. D. (Editor on behalf of the IMP group)
(2001)Understanding Business Marketing and
Purchasing, 3rd edn, Academic Press, Lon-
don. This book is aimed at students, instruc-
tors, researchers and practitioners who need
to understand the complexities of business
markets and the management challenges

they provide. It brings together the most
significant and up-to-the minute work of the
IMP group and their research colleagues. The
third edition has been extensively revised
and includes many new readings. The book
provides insights into the interactions
between business buyers and sellers, and the
relationshipsin which business marketing and
purchasing take place. The book also sheds
light on how business relationships form part
of wider networks and provides under-
standing of the issues facing managers oper-
ating in these complex networks.
Ford, I. D. et al. (2002) The Business Marketing
Course, John Wiley, Chichester. This book
gives an excellent insight into understanding
and managing business marketing. It offers
an easily accessible introduction to the reality
of business markets and is a useful basis for
those taking a course on business marketing
on undergraduate or MBA programmes. It
should be useful for managers wishing to
improve their skills in analysis and strategy
development. The book is based on the ideas
of the IMP group.
Hakansson, H. (ed.) (1982) International Market-
ing & Purchasing of Industrial Goods: An
Interaction Approach, John Wiley, New York.
The theoretical base of the interaction
approach to industrial marketing is descri-
bed in detail and then a series of inter-
national case studies are presented which
show the application potential of the theoret-
ical model.
Hutt, M. D. and Speh, T. W. (2001) Business
Marketing Management: A Strategic View of
Industrial and Organizational Markets,7th edn,
Harcourt College Publishers. Integrates the
growing body of literature into an opera-
tional treatment of industrial marketing
La Placa, P. J. (1984) Industrial Marketing Man-
agement: Cases and Readings, Random House,
New York. An excellent collection of major
articles supplemented by a comprehensive
selection of case studies. The material is,
however, all American based.
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