The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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170 The Marketing Book

Parkinson, S. T. and Baker, M. J. (1986) Organi-
zational Buying Behaviour, Macmillan, Lon-
don. A concise and readable text which uses
European case material to develop and
enhance the theoretical material.
Robinson, P. J., Faris, C. W. and Wind, Y. (1967)
Industrial Buying and Creative Marketing,
Allyn & Bacon, New York. Still worth read-
ing as one of the early ‘classics’ in the field of
industrial marketing.
Turnbull, P. W. and Valla, J. P. (eds) (1986)
Strategies for International Industrial Marketing.
Croom Helm, London. From the same group
of authors as Hakansson, this book provides
interesting and unusual insights into indus-
trial marketing strategies.
Turnbull, P. W., Ford, I. D. and Cunningham, M.
T. (1996) Interaction, Relationships and Net-
works in Business Markets: An Evolving
Perspective,Journal of Business and Industrial
Marketing Management, 11 (3/4), 44–62. This

article provides a comprehesnive, critical and
well-referenced review of the conceptual
development of the IMP approach to busi-
ness-to-business marketing. The evolution of
thinking from the initial dyadic approach to
relationships to the network concept is
explained and the key elements of relation-
ship network management are highlighted.
An important review article for both the
academic and practitioner audience.
Webster, F. E. Jr. (1992) The Changing Role of
Marketing in the Corporation, Journal of
Marketing, 56 (4), October. An interesting and
important review of how, at last, the Amer-
icans have begun to recognize interaction
and relationships. Perhaps the article should
have been titled ‘We get there eventually’!
Webster, F. E. and Wind, Y. (1972) Organizational
Buying Behaviour, Prentice-Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ. One of the milestones in published
texts on organizational buying behaviour.
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