xx Tables
9.13 Applications of causal models in marketing (the techniques, advantages,
limitations and when recommended to use) 236
9.14 Applications of dynamic, heuristic and network programming in marketing
(the methods, advantages, limitations and when recommended to use) 238
10.1 Classification of segmentation variables 249
10.2 Examples of lifestyle statements 254
10.3 Toothpaste consumer benefit segments 257
10.4 Person–situation segmentation 257
10.5 ACORN ‘segments’ 259
10.6 Type 8.22 academic centres, students and young professionals 261
10.7 Contemporary ‘lifestyle’ research 264
10.8 People UK 265
11.1 Baker Company: shareholder value analysis 295
11.2 Relative importance of brands and other assets 299
11.3 Valuing the brand 302
11.4 An illustration of skimming vs penetration pricing and shareholder value 304
11.5 The effect of cutting the advertising budget 310
12.1 Launch strategy decisions 323
12.2 Analysis of the NPD process based on Booz Allen Hamilton (1982) 324
12.3 Types of uncertainty 326
12.4 The role of market information in achieving critical success factors 330
12.5 Attributes of interfunctional co-ordination mechanisms 334
13.1 Effects on profit of a 10 per cent improvement 346
13.2 Impact of price elasticity on sales revenue 351
14.1 Choice of communication: comparing advertising, direct marketing and personal selling 363
15.1 Different interpretations of ‘brand’ 373
17.1 The promotional mix: shares of UK total annual expenditure, 1997–2000 425
17.2 Methods for determining the promotional appropriation 428
17.3 A promotional mix checklist 430
17.4 Structure and content of the promotional plan 438
17.5 The hierarchy-of-effects model of promotion 450
18.1 Major forms of consumer promotions 462
18.2 Recent trends and expenditure in US sales promotions 468
18.3 The ‘compete using promotions’ checklist 478
20.1 Shareholder value creation 508
20.2 Field salesforce cost structure 517
20.3 Share of voice (SOV) compared to share of market (SOM) 521
21.1 Customer relationship management at IBM 540
21.2 Internal marketing in a financial services organization 554
21.3 Internal marketing in a computer company 555
22.1 The direct model 567
22.2 Tesco Clubcard 568
25.1 Variations in on-line revenue contribution 645
25.2 A stage model for e-business development 647
25.3 On-line executions of different communications tools 660
25.4 Summary of the strengths and weaknesses of different communications tools
for promoting an on-line presence 660