The Marketing Book 5th Edition

(singke) #1

Market segmentation 283

benefits, procedures and methods of seg-
menting markets.
Haley, R. I. (1968) Benefit Segmentation: A
Decision Oriented Research Tool, Journal of
Marketing, July, 30–35. This is the classic
paper in which benefit segmentation is
clearly expounded, together with useful
examples of the application of the
O’Malley, L., Patterson, M. and Evans, M.
(1999)Exploring Direct Marketing, Thomson.
Although this book is concerned with direct
marketing, it provides coverage of the new
segmenting metrics that are increasingly
informing segmentation and targeting
Smith, W. R. (1956) Product Differentiation and
Market Segmentation as Alternative Market-
ing Strategies, Journal of Marketing, July, 3–8.
Explains in simple but detailed terms how
product differentiation and market segmen-

tation differ and their relative values. The
basis of segmentation thought is contained
Tynan, A. C. and Drayton, J. (1987) Market
Segmentation,Journal of Marketing Manage-
ment, 2 (3), 301–335. A thorough review of
market segmentation. The paper also
includes a comprehensive list of useful
Wells, W. D. (1975) Psychographics: A Critical
Review, Journal of Marketing Research, May,
196–213. A very readable paper explaining
psychographics using straightforward exam-
ples to illustrate how psychographics can be
Wind, Y. (1978) Issues and Advances in Seg-
mentation Research, Journal of Marketing
Research, August, 317–337. Extremely useful
paper on segmentation, especially in terms of
the research and planning processes involved
in segmentation decisions.
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