The Marketing Book 5th Edition

(singke) #1

Pricing 351

transaction size, timing of the purchase and
distribution channel (to name but a few). (Good
discussions of price customization can be found
in Simon, 1992; Nagle and Holden, 1995; and
Dolan and Simon, 1996.) However, irrespective
of whether price customization or a ‘one price
policy’ is to be pursued by the firm (e.g. see
Hochet al., 1994), the decision maker requires
knowledge regarding how customers are likely
to respond to prices of different magnitudes;
this is the issue of price sensitivity and is
discussed in the next section.

Understanding price sensitivity

The conventional analysis of price sensitivity
stems from economic theory and its analysis of
price elasticity(). This shows the percentage
change in quantity demanded (i.e. sales vol-
ume) as a result of a percentage change in

= percentage change in sales volume
÷ percentage change in price.

Thus, a price elasticity of –2.0 implies that
a 10 per cent increasein price would result in a
volumedecreaseof 20 per cent (–2.0×10 per
cent). If = 0, then demand is said to be perfectly
inelastic, as sales volume is completely unre-
sponsive to price changes. If =–, demand is
said to be perfectly elastic, as sales volume goes

up from zero to infinity as a result of a price
change (a very rare case). If  = –1, then
demand is said to have unitary elasticity, i.e. a
given percentage change in price is accom-
panied by exactly the same percentage change
in sales volume. If –1 < < 0, then demand is
said to be inelastic, as the proportionate change
in sales volume is smaller than the change in
price. Finally, if –<< –1, then demand is
said to be elastic, as the proportionate change in
sales volume is greater than the change in price.
Table 13.2 shows the implications of different
elasticity values in terms of their effects on sales
While the concept of price elasticity is very
useful for thinking about the likely effects of
price changes on sales volume, a great deal of
caution is necessary when applying it. For
example, in the light of Table 13.2, one may be
tempted to rush into recommendations of the
sort: ‘if a price elasticity of less than 1 is found,
a price increase can be immediately recom-
mended, since this means that the percentage of
decrease in sales volume is smaller than the
percentage of increase in price’ (Dolan and
Simon, 1996, p. 30). However, this assumes that
(a) the firm is willing to sacrifice somesales
volume, and (b) the revenue gains are going to
be translated into profitgains. Neither of these
assumptions may be warranted because ‘the
goal may be to maintain a presence in the
market, take customers from competitors, or
use the product to help sell other products in
the line, even at a revenue loss... [or] costs

Table 13.2 Impact of price elasticity on sales revenue

Demand is Price increase Price decrease

Perfectly inelastic Revenue increases Revenue decreases
Perfectly elastic Revenue decreases Revenue increases
Unitary elasticity Revenue does not change Revenue does not change
Inelastic Revenue increases Revenue decreases
Elastic Revenue decreases Revenue increases
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