The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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560 The Marketing Book

Sheth, J. N. (1994) Relationship marketing: a
customer perspective, Relationship Marketing
Conference, Emory University, Atlanta, June.
Spekman, R. E. (1979) Influence and informa-
tion: an exploratory investigation of the
boundary person’s basis of power, Academy of
Management Journal,22(1), 104–117.
Stewart, T. (1998) Intellectual Capital, Bantam
Books, New York.
Ulrich, D. (1989) Tie the corporate knot: gaining
complete customer commitment, Sloan Man-
agement Review, Summer, 19–27.
Walker, O. C. and Ruekert, R. W. (1987) Market-
ing’s role in the implementation of business
strategies: a critical review and conceptual
framework, Journal of Marketing, 51 , July,
Webster, F. E. (1992) The changing role of
marketing in the corporation, Journal of Mar-
keting, 56 , October, 1–17.
Webster, F. E. (1997) The future role of market-
ing in the organization, in Lehman, D. R. and
Jocz, K. E. (eds), Reflections on the Futures of
Marketing, Marketing Science Institute, Cam-
bridge, MA, pp. 39–66.

Further reading

Bonoma, T. V. (1985) The Marketing Edge: Mak-
ing Strategies Work, Free Press, New York.
This is now almost the classic treatise on the
marketing implementation issue. Based on
executive company case and interview
research, it contains many insights and
frameworks for analysing the implementa-
tion issue in marketing.
Cespedes, F. V. (1991) Organizing and Implement-
ing the Marketing Effort, Addison-Wesley,
Reading, MA. This is an excellent attempt to
relate organizational context to the problems
of making marketing effective, with a wealth
of case material in support. It also provides
some valuable literature reviews on a broad
base, concerned with marketing implementa-
tion and organizational change.

Cespedes, F. V. and Piercy, N. F. (1996) Imple-
menting marketing strategy, Journal of Mar-
keting Management, 12 , 135–160. A theoretical
review of the underlying organizational
problems in implementation, going deeper
into certain of these issues.
Cespedes, F. V. and Piercy, N. F. (1996) Imple-
mentation of strategy, in Warner, M. (ed.),
International Encyclopaedia of Business and
Management, Routledge, London. A more
detailed and broader review of strategy
implementation which has many implica-
tions for marketing in the context of strategic
Cravens, D. W., Piercy, N. F. and Shipp, S. H.
(1996) New organizational forms for com-
peting in highly dynamic environments: the
network paradigm, British Journal of Man-
agement, 7 , 203–218. This article discusses
the emergence of new alliance and network-
based organizational forms to cope with
new marketing environments, and reflects
on the implications for strategy
Cravens, D. W., Greenley, G., Piercy, N. F. and
Slater, S. (1997) Integrating contemporary
strategic management perspectives, Long
Range Planning, 30 , 493–506. This article
reviews the sources of market-based strategic
management and the reinvented organiza-
tions emerging in diverse markets.
Giles, W. D. (1991) Making strategy work, Long
Range Planning, 24 (5), 75–91. This is an
excellent summary of the conclusions
reached by Giles as a result of many years’
practical experience as a marketing manager
and consultant, and confronts the underlying
implementation issue through re-examining
the characteristics of marketing planning as a
M ̈oller, K. and Rajala, A. (1999) Organizing
marketing in industrial high-tech firms: the
role of internal marketing relationships,
Industrial Marketing Management, 28 , 521–535.
An insightful study into the dismantling of
traditional marketing departments in favour
of a relatively large number of marketing-
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