Buy Buy
Fulfil Fulfilment (digital)
658 The Marketing Book
Dyson has drawn this analogy with the elec-
tronic marketspace:
You put Coke machines in places where you
think people might want to drink a Coke. On
the Internet you put Amazon buttons in places
where there might be people inclined to buy
But it’s not just digitizable products and ser-
vices – all products and services can extend
themselves on-line by considering their on-line
representation for place of purchase and dis-
tribution. Other products, such as cars, are
partially sold on-line and eventually bought
off-line using mixed-mode buying, where some
activities of the buying process are completed
off-line and some on-line.
Off-line marketing communications and
on-line marketing communications through the
website should integrate with different buying
modes, as shown in Figure 25.8. Common
buying modes include:
On-line purchase. Some customers want to
search, compare and buy on-line. Does your
website accommodate all stages of the buying
process? Few products can be delivered
on-line, so fulfilment is usually off-line.
On-line browse and off-line purchase–
mixed-mode buying. This is when customers like
to browse, look or research on-line, and
eventually purchase off-linein a real store or in
a real meeting. Some of these customers might
like to browse on-line but purchase via fax or
telephone because of security and privacy
issues. Does your site have fax forms and
telephone numbers for placing orders or
taking further enquiries? Does your site
integrate with other communications channels?
Some sites also have ‘call-back facilities’, which
allow visitors to request a telephone call
from a salesperson to complete the
Another tactic related to place is an organi-
zation’s on-line representation. Berryman et al.
(1998) highlighted the importance of place in
e-commerce transactions when they identified
the three different locations for on-line B2B
purchases shown in Figure 25.9. When com-
Figure 25.8 Alternative buying modes