756 The Marketing Book
McDonagh, P. and Prothero, A. (1997) Green
Management: A Reader, Dryden Press, Lon-
don. An excellent edited collection of papers
combining the deeply philosophical with the
highly practical. The practical papers have a
strong marketing bias, and the entire collec-
tion is invaluable for putting marketing and
the environment clearly in its organizational,
social and global context.
Menon, A. and Menon, A. (1997) Enviropreneur-
ial Marketing Strategy: The Emergence of
Corporate Environmentalism as Market Strat-
egy, Journal of Marketing, 61 (1), 51–67. Analy-
ses the evolution of the relationship between
marketing and the environment, and in
particular the emergence of ‘enviropreneurial
marketing’. Provides a useful discussion of
the driving forces behind the greening of
marketing, the opportunities that it provides,
and the relationship with corporate strategy.
Peattie, K. (1995) Environmental Marketing
Management: Meeting the Green Challenge,
Financial Times/Pitman, London. A book
which attempts to pull together much of
what was written about marketing and the
environment in the late 1980s and early
1990s to develop a comprehensive picture of
what the green challenge means for market-
ing. Discusses the environment as a philo-
sophical, strategic and practical challenge
for marketing management, and illustrates
the issues with short case studies at the end
of most chapters.
Shrivastava, P. (1994) CASTRATED Environ-
ment: GREENING Organizational Studies,
Organization Studies, 15 (5), 705–726. An
astonishing article which deconstructs the
existing management paradigm to detail
exactly how and why it is inherently incom-
patible with the physical environment within
which it exists. Outlines a new environmen-
tal management paradigm and points the
way forward towards a more sustainable
way of managing businesses.