AAseeAutomobile Association
Aaker, D. A., 186
Abell, D., 54
Abernathy, W., 9
Above and Below Group, 416
Above the line, 424, 426
expenditures, 513
sales promotion, 465–7
Absolut Vodka, 373
Academy of Marketing, 610
Accenture, 646
Account handlers, 441–2
Account managers, 433, 434, 436
Accountability, 276–7
Accountants marketing, 9
Accounting, 289–91, 312, 512, 528–9
Acculturation, 621
Achrol, R. S., 64
ACORN analysis, 258, 259–62, 438, 711
Acquisitions, 176, 294, 405, 671, 801
see alsoMergers
Action Cancer, 676, 687
Action Man, 22
Actor bonds, 162, 163
Adaptability, 769
Adaptive-innovative cognitive styles,
128, 129, 130–8
Added value seeValue, adding
Adkins, Sue, 669–93
Admap, 451
Adopters, 128–30, 131, 132, 133,
see alsoEarly adopters
see alsoAgencies
actors, 440–1
awareness, 151
banner advertisements, 421, 469,
639, 660, 665
BMW example, 437
brand, 372, 376, 506–7
budgeting, 427–9
cause-related marketing, 676
children, 253
cognitive dissonance, 124
communication theories, 472
consumer decision-making, 119,
122, 123, 136–7, 138
costs, 446
culture, 453
definition, 419
deployment of promotional mix,
direct marketing, 568
direct-response, 423, 424
disillusionment with, 404
economics of promotion, 451–2
effectiveness, 427, 449–51
expenditure, 425, 506
global, 415
green marketing, 748–9
heuristic programming, 237
information overload, 400
integrated marketing
communications, 397, 398, 399
international marketing, 626
Internet, 420–1, 422, 469, 639, 655,
linear programming, 233
mail-order, 423
manipulation, 120
market segmentation, 248, 256
mass media, 397, 402
non-verbal communication, 403
objectives, 94, 449
personal selling comparison, 362,
postmodern, 17, 18–19, 21, 22
profitability, 290
public relations, 422
publicity distinction, 423–4
retailing, 794–6
risk, 476
sales promotion distinction, 460,
461, 464, 465–7, 472
services, 596
shareholder value, 309
social criticism of, 453
social grade, 252
social marketing, 697, 717
strategic intent, 545
surveys, 454–5, 466
through-the-line, 425–6
Advertising Association, 451, 453–4,
Advertising Standards Authority, 423,
454, 477
Advertorials, 423
Advocacy, media, 717, 718–19
AEG, 736
Affiliate programmes, 573–4, 659, 660
Affinity credit cards, 678
Africa, 696
After-sales, 391, 442, 589
Agar, Andy, 688
Age, 250–1, 402
Agencies, 409–10, 411, 413
choosing, 443–5
creative planning, 432–3
disillusionment with, 404
global, 415
integrated marketing
communications, 422, 467
media planning, 433–4
mergers and acquisitions, 405
relationships with, 408, 411–12, 414,
remuneration, 445–9
sales promotion, 461
through-the-line, 425–6