808 Index
Agent-based modelling, 81
Agfa Gevaert, 744
Agility, 501–2
Agree, 462
AHPseeAnalytic hierarchy process
AIseeArtificial intelligence
AIDseeAutomatic interaction
AIDA (attention, interests, desire,
action) model, 450, 451, 472
Aijo, T. S., 44
Ailawadi, K. L., 466
AIO (activities, interests and
opinions) analysis, 254, 255, 264
Airstream, 22
Ajzen, I., 123–4
Alanko, J., 411
Albert, Michael, 10
Alderson, Wroe, 24, 80
Aldi, 786
Aldrich, H. E., 77
Alexander, M., 144–5, 148
Alfred, A. M., 342
Alka-Seltzer, 22
Alliances, 473–4, 541–2, 617
see alsoCo-operation; Collaboration;
Joint ventures; Partnerships
internal, 551
international, 629, 799–800
Alpha testing, 321
AMAseeAmerican Marketing
Amazon, 165, 308, 462, 479, 573, 637,
639, 655
American Association of Advertising
Agencies, 398
American Express, 307, 308, 409, 624,
670, 678
American Marketing Association
(AMA), 173, 373, 610
American Productivity and Quality
Centre Study, 416
Ames, Charles, 9
An, A., 227, 228
Analogue methods, 790
Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), 231
Andersson, P., 46
Andreasen, A. R., 696, 698, 700, 708,
712, 714
Andrex, 409
Anheuser-Busch, 467, 468
Ansoff, H., 653
Ansoff matrix, 518, 519
Anthony, Mike, 317
Anti-globalization protests, 19, 672
Antoniou, T., 270
Anyon, G., 145
Apple, M., 18
Apple Mac, 373, 379, 380, 433, 463
Appropriation, 426, 427, 429
Araujo, L., 38
Archer, J., 415
Architecture, 17
Argos, 567, 654, 802
Argyris, C., 549
Ariel, 318, 738
Arndt, J., 38
Arnold, C., 273
Art directors, 433
Arthur Andersen KnowledgeSpace,
Artificial intelligence (AI), 198,
218–19, 220, 241
Dempster–Shafer theory, 229, 231
expert systems, 198, 218–19, 241
neural networks, 198, 219, 220, 221,
rough set theory, 226
Asda, 405, 462, 532, 792, 799
Asia, 613, 626
Assael, H., 133
Assets, 89, 298, 504
cause-related marketing, 682–3
entry barriers, 511
intangible, 294, 299, 300, 301–2, 372,
marketing, 513–14
tangible, 299, 300, 301–2, 512, 520
Assumptions, 93, 96
Atari, 22
Atmosphere, 160–1
Atmospherics, 796–7
Atomic model, 391
Attitudes, 121, 123, 127, 186–9, 731
see alsoBeliefs
ACORN classification, 262
employees, 551
loyalty, 275
research methods, 180, 182, 183,
184, 185, 186–9
social marketing, 705, 711
Auctions, 639–40, 657, 659
media research, 434–5
promotional plan, 438
receptivity, 430, 431
assets, 682–3
environmental, 743–4
marketing audit, 91–3, 99, 100,
103–5, 112
Augmented products, 599, 747
Australia, 412, 779
Automatic interaction detection
(AID), 212–13, 214
Automatic Teller Machines, 314–15
Automobile Association (AA), 389, 431
Avis, 532
Avlonitis, G., 318
Avon, 688–9
Awareness, 121–2, 135, 138
brand, 506–7
organizational buying, 150, 151
Azzone, G., 735
B&Q, 743, 750, 788
Baby boomers, 251
Backman, J., 348
Backward integration, 104
Bagozzi, R. P., 124, 172
BAH model seeBooz Allen Hamilton
Bain, J. S., 343
Baker, Michael J., 3–15, 76, 175–6,
436, 453, 632
Balanced scorecard, 786
Ballington, John, 690
Bandwagon effect, 7
Bank of Scotland, 678
BankingseeFinancial services
Banner advertisements, 421, 469, 639,
660, 665
Bar code scanning, 264
Barclays Bank, 253, 472, 473, 566
Barclays Square, 651
Bargaining, 155, 158
Barnett, J. A., 231
Barnum, P. T., 23
Barrett, J., 164
Barrier segmentation, 713
Bartels, R., 32
Bartlett, C. A., 75
Bashford, S., 250
Basil, Michael, 698
Bass, 479, 480
Basu, K., 274
Bauer, R. A., 148, 376
Bayard Sales, 476
Bayesian theory, 229, 230, 231
Beamish Stout, 472
Beckmann, S. C., 737
Behaviour change, 711–12, 716
Behavioural segmentation, 275–6
see alsoAttitudes
consumer decision-making, 123, 124
Dempster–Shafer theory, 230, 231
retailing, 786, 788
social marketing, 705
Belk, R. W., 26
Below the line, 424, 426, 465, 513
Ben & Jerry’s, 468, 697, 739
Benchmarking, 498, 672, 691
costs, 527
e-marketing, 645
services, 587, 588
Benefit segmentation, 256, 257, 712–14
Benetton, 454, 499, 781, 801
Bennett, Steve, 566, 573
Bernstein, D., 741
Berry, L. L., 40, 165
Berryman, K., 658
Bertele, U., 735