The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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Index 809

Best practice, 317, 416
Beta testing, 321, 327
Bettman, J., 375
Beveridge, W. I. B., 193
Bias, 173, 180, 192
Biemans, W., 333
Bilkey, W. J., 627
Biographic segmentation, 264–6, 280
Biological life cycles, 7–8
Bipolar analysis, 188–9
Birgelen, M. van, 619–20
Bisto, 410
Bitner, M. J., 34, 598–9, 604, 655
Bivariate analysis, 194
Bizrate, 659
Black markets, 625–6
Blau, P. M., 38
Bloom, Paul, 696
Blue Nun, 22
‘Blueprinting’, 604
BMI, 307
BMW, 23, 301, 747
brand, 373, 376
promotion, 429, 436–7, 439, 442
Body Shop, 301, 374, 697
franchising, 781
green marketing, 735, 744, 748
product innovation, 792
Boles, J. S., 164
customer, 35, 37, 40, 46, 162, 163
technological, 165
Bonoma, T. V., 343, 531, 548–9, 549, 637
Booms, B. H., 34, 598–9, 655
Boots, 463, 473, 476, 733
Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) model,
315, 317, 322, 324, 325, 327, 328
Borden, N. H., 598
Boredom, 134, 135
Borys, B., 42
Boston Consulting Group, 53, 54, 58,
59, 74, 288
Bounded rationality, 79
Boycotts, 672, 734, 736
Brand equity, 786–8
Brand managers, 441, 442
Brand pyramid, 389, 390
Brands, 372–94
awareness, 506–7
benefit segmentation, 257
best practice, 416
brand-led strategies, 505, 519–22
building, 383–92, 646
cash flow, 309, 310
cause-related marketing, 675, 677
children, 253
conjoint analysis, 203
consumer decision-making, 119,
121, 127
correspondence analysis, 204
decline of, 485–6

Dell Computer, 311
differentiation, 103, 405, 407
discrimination, 68
e-marketing, 646, 648
elasticity, 352
essence, 389–90, 391, 392
evaluation, 391–2
implementation, 390–1, 392
integrated marketing
communications, 399, 410,
414–15, 416
internal, 374
international marketing, 629
interpretations of, 373–83
learning model, 224
loyalty, 134, 136, 469, 470, 480–1
decline of, 485–6
discriminant analysis, 212, 214
stochastic process models, 224
Markov model, 224
model for strategic brand-building,
objectives, 387–8, 392
organizational culture, 374–5, 380,
384, 386–7, 392
positioning, 278–80
postmodern marketing, 21
premium, 296
pricing, 307
purchasing behaviour, 129, 130,
133–4, 135
relationship marketing, 40
relaunches, 22–3
reputation, 513
retailing, 777, 792–3, 794
sales promotion, 479–80, 481
service output, 591
social marketing, 717–18
standardization, 403
stewardship, 744
strategic choice, 82
strength, 487
value, 297, 298–302, 379–80, 401,
475, 485, 520
value-based marketing, 294
vision, 375, 379, 380, 384–6, 392
zero-order model, 224
Branson, Richard, 23
Breakthrough Breast Cancer, 689
Brewers Fayre, 599
Breyer, Ralph, 24
Brierley, S., 435, 436, 446
British Airways, 386, 388, 567, 576,
British Car Auctions, 473
British Car Rentals, 473
British companies, 146
British Gas, 689–90
British Midland, 654
British Telecom (BT), 445, 590, 733
Britvic, 480
Broadbent, S., 427, 429, 434, 450

Brown, Stephen, 16–31, 778
Brownlie, D., 619
Brundtland Report, 726
BTseeBritish Telecom
Buckner, H., 150
Budgens, 477
see alsoCosts; Finance
communications, 309, 399, 412, 413,
promotional, 426–9, 439, 448
sales, 361
strategic marketing plan, 90, 95, 96,
97, 107
value-based marketing, 294
Budnick, I., 236, 239
Budweiser, 480
Bunn, M. D., 149
Burger King, 386, 463, 476
Burns, K., 778
Burton, 801
Business analysis, 320–1, 324, 332
Business in the Community, 669, 670,
674, 675, 676, 680, 686
Business processes, 638
Business and revenue models, 651–3
Business-to-business (B2B) marketing,
buy-side e-commerce, 638
communications, 412
customer relationship management,
databases, 579
Dell Computers, 652
direct marketing, 566
e-marketing, 639, 640, 643, 651, 657,
658–9, 666
environmental concerns, 734
interorganizational marketing,
key account management, 496
marketing organization, 537
organizational buying, 142–70
models, 152–65
structures, 144–52
Pareto’s principle, 571
price, 345
relationship marketing, 35–7, 48
SMEs, 771
Business-to-consumer (B2C)
direct marketing, 566
e-marketing, 639, 640, 643, 651, 657
relationship marketing, 46
‘Buy classes’, 149, 153
Buy-side e-commerce, 638, 574, 651, 804
Buyer-seller theory, 34, 36, 38, 39, 43
Buyers, 142–70, 791
Buygrid model, 153
BuyingseeOrganizational buying
Buzzell, Bob, 71, 72
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