810 Index
C&A, 785
CAseeCluster analysis;
Correspondence analysis
Cadbury, 452, 467, 472, 480
Cadbury, Dominic, 466
Cadbury Schweppes, 224, 275, 291
Call centres, 569, 571, 589, 662, 663
Campbell, R., 152, 164
Canada, 615, 622, 779
Cancer charities, 687, 688–9, 698
Cannibalization, 649–50
Canon, 318
CAPseeCustomer account
Capital markets, 291
Capitalism, 10, 17
Cardozo, R. N., 145
Carlin, George, 22, 23
Carson, C. D., 276
Carson, D., 174, 181, 743
Carson, David, 757–75
Cartels, 5
Case studies:
cause-related marketing, 686–90
Honda, 73–5
strategy research, 71
Caselton, W. F., 230
Cash flow, 292–3, 294–8, 514
communications, 309
discounted, 504, 512, 520
forecasting, 301, 312
pricing, 303
Cashback offers, 463
Catalogues, 567, 575, 576, 802
Category killers, 788
Category management, 374, 537, 791
Category values, 386
Category width, 136
Causal models, 200, 235–6, 241
LISREL, 200, 235–6, 241
path analysis, 200, 235, 236
Cause-related marketing, 669–93
case studies, 686–90
definition, 669–70
models, 676–80
partnerships, 670, 676–7, 680–6
Caves, Richard, 63
Caywood, C., 398, 416
CDNow, 479
Census data, 176, 189, 258–63, 272,
Centralization of organizational
buying, 147–8, 155
Centrica, 676, 689–90
Cespedes, F. V., 533
CFCs, 726, 730, 733
Chaffey, Dave, 637–68
CHAID (CHi-squared Automatic
Interaction Detector) model,
269–72, 280, 571
Chamberlin, Edwin, 5, 10
Chambers, J. D., 213
Champy, J., 54
Chandon, P., 460
Change, 8, 66, 539, 542, 547–8
co-evolution, 80
dynamic industry, 763
economic, 613
internal marketing, 556, 557, 558
international marketing, 611–13
organizational, 531
pace of, 102
political barriers to, 115
product life cycle, 7
resistance to, 548–9, 550
retailing, 778
social marketing, 695, 696, 701, 702,
Channel research, 36, 38, 39
see alsoSupply chain
3Cs marketing strategy, 56–7
channel management, 492–3, 501
confluence, 659
relationships, 11, 12–13
Chaoplexity, 79
Chaos, 17, 70, 79, 239–40
Charisma, 108–9
Charity, 570–1, 669–93, 697–8, 748
Charter, Martin, 726–56
Chartered Institute of Marketing, 276,
399, 638
Chaston, I., 654
Chentnick, C. G., 233
Chernatony, Leslie de, 372–94
Cheshire Oaks, 783
Chief executives:
see alsoTop management
cause-related marketing, 681–2, 691
corporate branding, 375
promotional budget, 427
shareholder value, 291
strategic marketing planning, 98,
99, 110, 115
Child, J., 77
Children, 253–4
China, 615, 616, 631
Chintagunta, P., 68
Christensen, C. M., 69
Christopher, Martin, 485–503, 625
Christy, R., 45
Chrysler, 337, 657, 733
Cif, 403
Cisco Systems, 637, 639
Citroen, 462
Clark, B., 548–9
Class, 252
Cleland, K., 414
Cleverly, Bruce, 403
Clickmango, 637
Clicks and bricks, 650, 804
Clickstream data, 569, 575, 641
Client brief, 432–3, 434, 436, 439
Climate change, 730
Clorets, 473–4
Closed-loop planning, 97
Clubcard, 273, 568
Clubs, 463
Cluster analysis (CA), 201–2, 207,
221–2, 223, 258, 269–72
Cluster sampling, 190–1
CNN, 731
Co-evolution, 66, 80
Co-op Italia, 781
see alsoAlliances; Collaboration;
Joint ventures; Partnerships
buyer-seller, 160
networks, 75, 542
new product development, 337
relationship marketing, 36, 37, 43
success relationship, 143
supply chain, 60, 495
Co-operative Bank, 385, 733
Co-operative Group (CWS), 781
Co-operative societies, 781
Coates, D., 203
Coca-Cola, 291, 298, 403, 415, 511, 631
branding, 294, 301, 373, 519
franchising, 781
sales promotion, 467, 468, 480
social marketing, 694
sponsorship, 677
Coddington, W., 742
Coding, 193
Cognitive dissonance, 124, 137
Cognitive processes, 119, 121, 122,
Cognitive response, 450
Cognitive style, 125, 127–32, 133–8
Cohen, J., 78
Coles Myer, 779
see alsoAlliances; Co-operation;
Joint ventures; Partnerships
e-marketing, 651–2
international, 617
network organizations, 541–2
new product development, 328–9
Collins, J., 385
Collusion, 65
Comic Relief, 678, 679, 690
CommerceOne, 659
Commercial risk, 617–18
Commission, 97, 445–6, 447, 448–9
internal marketing, 551, 553
partnerships, 681–2
relationship marketing, 40, 42, 43,
Commoditization, 657
Communication competency, 769