The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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812 Index

Consumers –continued
purchasing behaviour, 68, 119–20,
121, 123–4, 133–5, 136–8, 401
relationship marketing, 37–9
sales promotion, 469–71
self-interest, 7
social marketing, 703, 706–7
social responsibility, 674, 675
Consumption, 5, 9, 14
consumer behaviour, 131, 132
costs of, 752
postmodern, 17, 19, 20, 21, 29
service inseparability, 589, 596, 601
sustainability, 727–8, 752–3
Contagion effect, 7
Continuity, 572–3, 574, 577
Contracts, 307
Contractual relations, 38, 39, 42
advertising, 431, 432, 439–40, 441,
direct marketing, 572–3, 574
e-marketing, 663–4, 665
‘Controllers’, 132
Convenience, 288, 289, 311
Convenience sampling, 191
Cook, S. W., 187
Cook, W., 396
Cookies, 576, 639, 647
Cooper, J., 625
Cooper, L., 68–9
Cooper, R. B., 227
Cooper, R. G., 315, 316, 325, 327
Copeland, Melvin, 24
Copy-writers, 433
Core competencies, 390
Cornellisen, J. P., 397, 416
Corporate branding, 374–5
Corporate culture seeOrganizational
Corporate identity, 98, 749
Corporate image, 408, 409
Corporate planning, 99, 110, 114
Corporate public relations (CPR),
Corporate social responsibility, 671–2,
674–5, 691, 692, 697, 732
Correlation techniques, 198
Correspondence analysis (CA), 204–6,
207, 240, 279
Cortes-Rello, E., 230
Cost of capital, 291, 292–3, 295,
297–8, 311, 312
Cost plus pricing, 342, 617, 749
Cost-benefit analysis, 175
see alsoBudgets; Finance
advertising, 446
competitive advantage, 103
customer account profitability,
customer retention, 277–8

direct mail, 431
direct marketing, 566, 577
distribution, 233
e-marketing, 648, 665
efficiency, 65
green marketing, 736, 749–50, 752
internal marketing, 552, 556
Internet advertising, 422
labour, 360, 605, 612, 614
market research, 177, 183, 189, 192
market share, 59–60
media, 404
personal selling, 362–3
posters, 430
pricing, 342, 344, 345–8, 349, 350,
354–5, 356
product attributes, 715
product life cycle, 505, 526–8
product/market evolution, 105
profitability, 289–90
promotion, 419–20, 425, 426–9
recruitment, 366, 367
reduction, 296, 298, 311, 494
relationship marketing, 44
sales promotion, 469, 478
salesforce, 516–17
services, 601
shareholder value, 296
social marketing, 716
storage, 237
strategic marketing plan, 90, 96–7
strategies, 58
total costs of ownership, 496
Cottrell, M., 223
Counter-synergy, 437
Counterintermediation, 645, 653
Countertrade (CT), 624
Country of origin, 625
Coupland, D., 250
Coupons, 459, 460, 462, 467, 468, 471
e-coupons, 479, 663
gift, 463
high-tech, 477
misredemption, 476
Proctor & Gamble, 466
Cova, B., 22
Coviello, N. E., 38
Covisint, 566, 639
Cox, D. F., 152
Coy, P., 345
CPA seeCritical path analysis
CPMseeCritical path method
CPRseeCorporate public relations
Creative planning, 432–3
Creative Planning Awards, 433
Creativity, 28, 109, 327
e-marketing, 661
entrepreneur skills, 769
new product development, 337, 338
sales promotion, 479, 481
Credibility, 329, 364, 365, 401
Credit, 120, 631, 798, 799

Credit cards, 132, 251, 678, 798
Credit rating agencies, 610
Creditworthiness, 617
Critical path analysis (CPA), 200,
Critical path method (CPM), 200, 237,
238, 239
Critical theory, 40
CRMseeCustomer relationship
Crosier, Keith, 419–57, 626
Cross-cultural contexts, 47
Cross-currents, 612
Cross-functional teams, 107
see alsoFunctional integration
Cross-promotions, 475
Cross-selling, 266, 269, 572, 663
Crusade Against Breast Cancer, 688–9
Cuba, 615
Cultural distance, 42, 617
Cultural values, 452, 453
see alsoorganizational culture
culture clash, 442
influence on export market, 762
international marketing, 619, 621,
social marketing, 708
unmarketable services, 597
Cummins, J., 469
Cunningham, M., 149–50, 151, 164
Currents, 611–12
The Curry Club, 474
Customer account profitability (CAP),
505, 522–5, 528
Customer lifetime value (LTV), 278,
492, 498, 524, 574, 579, 656
Customer orientation, 6, 24, 103,
107–8, 505, 556
Customer relationship management
(CRM), 38, 47, 248, 272–6, 300,
see alsoRelationship marketing;
database marketing, 569, 581, 582
e-CRM, 581, 664
e-marketing, 655
IBM example, 540
software, 266–72
strategic framework, 490–4
supply chain management
integration, 485–503
transactional data, 266
Customer service, 497–9
differentiation, 101, 103
e-marketing, 662
innovative marketing, 772
retailing, 797–8
Customer solution, 288, 289
Customer-to-business (C2B)
interactions, 640
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