The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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Index 813

Customer-to-customer (C2C)
interactions, 640
see alsoConsumers; Loyalty;
3Cs marketing strategy, 56–7
acquisition, 492, 574
Ansoff matrix, 518
biographic segmentation, 264–6,
brand, 372, 382–3, 389, 391
adding value, 380
corporate branding, 374
emotional rewards, 389–90
image, 381–2
perception of, 381
personality, 377–8
positioning, 377
risk reduction, 376
as shorthand, 375–6
buying power, 102
communications, 397
cost, 288, 289
customer-led strategies, 522–5
demographics, 250–4, 257, 261,
401–2, 631, 709–10
direct marketing, 567, 568, 569,
572–3, 576–80
dissatisfied, 227
e-marketing, 638–9, 642–5, 647–8,
656, 662–3
economic perspective, 452
geodemographic segmentation,
258–63, 269, 272, 277–8, 710,
green marketing, 733–4, 736–8,
739–41, 753
information systems, 478
interaction approach, 36
internal marketing, 551, 553
intimacy with, 308
involvement, 119, 122, 125–7,
130–6, 137, 138
brand image, 381–2
services, 596, 603
social marketing, 703, 706–7
life cycle customer account
profitability, 505
lifetime value, 44, 492, 498, 524, 656
interactive marketing, 574, 579
segmentation, 278, 280
market research, 172–96
marketing database, 576–80, 581,
582, 583–4
marketing exchange relationships,
marketing mix, 287, 288–9, 311
needs, 88, 288, 785
‘new marketing’, 396
Pareto’s principle, 570–1
partnerships, 40
perceptions, 122, 138, 279, 401

brand, 381
of quality, 35
retail image, 786–8
risk, 148, 149, 150, 154–5, 376,
use value, 528
preferences, 486, 499–500, 788–9
price sensitivity, 624, 629
prices, 302, 303–5, 344, 348–51, 352,
product testing, 321
profiling, 639, 641
profitability, 505, 522–5, 528
psychographic segmentation,
254–5, 264, 438, 623, 706,
relationships, 43–4, 406–7, 536–7
response, 458, 569, 577, 664
retailing, 785
retention, 249, 277–8, 471, 492,
497–8, 501
relationship marketing, 34, 37, 40,
76, 523
Toyota, 584
sales management, 361, 364, 365,
sales promotion, 458–9
satisfaction, 8, 108, 287
cause-related marketing, 686
CRM, 497, 498
e-marketing, 666
green marketing, 741
integrated marketing
communications, 397, 399
low prices, 306–7
measuring, 227
services marketing, 606–7
involvement, 596, 603
production processes, 604–5
service quality, 587, 588–9, 590,
site visits, 327
socio-demographic segmentation,
261, 438, 706, 711, 736–7
supplier relationship, 144, 161–5,
166, 494–6, 733
traditional marketing theory, 144
value for money, 511
Customization, 35, 597, 654
Dell Computer, 311
price, 304–5, 350–1
services, 590
Cyberspace, 19
Cyert, R., 148, 150

DAseeDiscriminant analysis
Dagmar framework, 450
Dahan, E., 321
Dahl, D. W., 716
Daily Telegraph, 480
Dann, Susan, 698

see alsoDatabases; Information
census data, 176, 189, 258–63, 272,
collection, 172–3, 178–9, 575, 664,
direct marketing, 569, 576–80, 581,
internal/external distinction, 89
international marketing, 629
interpretation, 193–4
lack of, 110, 111
lifestyle, 264–5
pricing, 793
primary, 177–80
secondary, 173, 175–6, 185
transactional, 264–6, 268–9, 271,
275, 280–1
Data mining, 226–7, 581, 639
customer value, 524
market segmentation, 248, 264,
266–72, 272, 278, 280
Data repository, 493
Data warehouses, 493, 524, 580–1
Data-driven market segmentation,
256, 258–77, 280
Databases, 108, 176, 270, 362, 493
biographic segmentation, 264
charities, 677
database marketing, 11, 12–13, 37,
38, 404–5
direct marketing, 577–80, 581, 582,
e-marketing, 638, 639, 656, 663,
indirect distribution, 525
integrated marketing
communications, 410
loyalty cards, 179
media research, 434–5
rough set theory, 226, 227
sales promotion, 477
social marketing, 708
Tesco Clubcard, 568
Davidson, Hugh, 464
Davidson, W. R., 778
Davis, Brian, 687–8
Davis, J. J., 748
Davis, P. S., 627
Day, G. S., 64, 69, 536
De Kare-Silver, M., 643, 650
De Solla Price, Derek, 7
De-marketing, 705, 716, 741
Dean, J., 342
Debenhams, 783
Debit cards, 132
DEC, 552–3
Decentralization, 78
Decentred subjects, 20, 21–2, 29
Deciders, 145, 146–7, 158
Decision theory, 198, 224, 225
Decision trees, 216–18, 224
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