The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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814 Index

cognitive style, 125, 127–32, 133–8
consumer, 119–41
Dempster-Shafer theory, 230
financial evaluation, 529
interaction approach, 158–65
involvement, 119, 125–7, 130–6,
137, 138
market research, 172, 173
marketing mix, 298–311
network marketing, 770–1
neural networks, 219
organizational buying, 144, 145,
149, 154–5, 156–8
process, 121–5, 138, 153, 538
service intangibility, 585, 605
SMEs, 758, 759, 760, 765, 770–1, 774
value-based marketing, 293
variable precision rough sets, 227,
Decision-support models/systems,
219, 226, 231
Defensive routines, 549, 558
Deise, M., 654
Delegation, 110, 114–15
Dell Computers, 308, 311, 376, 500,
531, 652
direct marketing, 566, 567, 571, 576
relationship marketing, 583
Dell, Michael, 500, 566
Della Bitta, A. J., 343
Delphi techniques, 384–5
Demand, 5, 8, 14
chain, 489
e-marketing, 642–5
e-tailing, 803
elasticity, 351, 352, 353, 355
evolution, 69
forecasting, 102, 198
heterogeneity, 61, 66, 80
price, 344, 345, 356
screening, 319
service perishability, 591
social marketing, 703, 705–6
Demographic segmentation, 250–4,
257, 261, 401–2, 631, 709–10
see alsoGeodemographic
segmentation; Socio-
demographic segmentation
Dempster, A. P., 229, 231
Dempster–Shafer theory (DST),
Denzin, N. K., 25
Department stores, 778, 783–4
Dependence, 194, 198
Dependencies, 144, 166
Depth interviews, 182–3, 327
Deregulation, 586, 671, 763
Design centres, 335
Design teams, 335
Designed error, 549
Deterministic operational research

methods, 198–200, 226–35, 241
see alsoStatistical methods
Dempster–Shafer theory, 229–31
linear programming, 232–3, 234
rough set theory, 226–7
transportation model, 233–5
variable precision rough sets, 227–9
Development marketing expenditure,
504–5, 513–14, 520, 523
Dewey, R., 150
Dhalla, N. K., 427
Dialogue, 47, 639, 641, 656
Diamantopoulos, Adamantios, 203,
Dibb, S., 272
Dick, A. S., 274
Dickinson, P. R., 81
Diesel, 783
Differential advantage, 298, 300, 318
brand, 300, 373, 386, 405, 407
cause-related marketing, 672, 676,
691, 692
competitive, 101, 103, 527–8, 532
of customers, 571
e-marketing, 650, 655
green marketing, 736
international marketing, 629
market segmentation, 66–9
marketing planning, 101, 102
products, 5, 8, 103, 247, 407
services, 586
SMEs, 763, 764
strategy, 58, 65, 66, 545
Digital communications, 638
Dillard’s, 783
Diller, H., 343
Dillon, W. R., 201
Dimitras, A. I. R., 227
Diners Club, 624
Direct e-mail, 639
Direct Line, 415, 566, 567
Direct mail, 255, 264, 423, 431, 565–6
green marketing, 749
sales promotion, 461, 467, 472, 477
Tesco, 568
Direct marketing, 11, 12–13, 37,
annual expenditure, 425
cause-related marketing, 677–8
definitions, 420, 569
effectiveness, 427
growth in, 406
information systems, 572, 576–80,
integrated marketing
communications, 396, 397, 402
interactive marketing, 573–80
message delivery, 439–40
multichannel marketing, 567
new media, 421
Pareto’s principle, 569–71

personal selling comparison, 362,
principles of, 571–3
promotional mix, 423, 426, 431
Direct Marketing Association, 443,
Direct product profitability (DPP),
526, 796
Direct response, 423, 424, 458–9, 464,
Discounted cash flows, 504, 512, 520
Discounters, 784–5, 786
Discounts, 97, 459, 462, 467
Discriminant analysis (DA), 212, 214
Disintermediation, 642, 645, 653, 659
Disney Corporation, 254, 291, 487
Disneyland, 19
Dissatisfaction, 227
Dissonant buying behaviour, 133, 134,
Distance, 42, 171, 617, 627, 628
Distribution, 310–11, 389, 407, 501
see alsoLogistics
added value, 308
Dell Computers, 500
differentiation, 103
direct marketing, 565
e-marketing, 642, 645, 659
green marketing, 750
indirect, 525
innovative marketing, 772
internal marketing, 552, 554, 555
international marketing, 621, 625,
linear programming, 232–3
sales promotions, 461
services, 591, 595, 598
SMEs, 763
social marketing, 716
stock control models, 237
strategic intent, 545
Diversification, 5
e-marketing, 654
geographical, 615
strategic marketing plan, 90, 98, 99
Division of labour, 4
Dolan, R., 343, 344, 346, 350–1, 352,
Dominant market share, 522
Donaldson, Bill, 360–71
Donations, 678, 679, 687, 689
Donovan, Rob, 698 companies, 289, 292, 573–4,
637, 661, 752, 804
Dougherty, D., 316
Dow Corning, 744
Downsizing, 368, 542
Doyle, Peter, 36, 213, 287–313
DPPseeDirect product profitability
Driscoll, A. M., 628
Drucker, Peter, 8, 741
DSTseeDempster–Shafer theory
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