The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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Index 815

Ducoffe, R., 415
Dugdale, J., 19
‘Dumping’, 614, 624
Duncan, T., 411
Dunlop, 403
Durning, A. T., 739
Dussart, C., 10
Dwyer, R. F., 36, 37, 42, 43
Dynamic positioning, 583
Dynamic programming, 236, 238
Dyson, Esther, 657–8

E-business, 638, 646, 647, 663
E-commerce, 566, 569, 572, 637–8, 643,
647, 655
see companies;
E-coupons, 479, 663
E-CRM, 581, 664
E-mail, 331, 363, 423, 575, 581
direct marketing, 421, 431
e-marketing, 638, 639, 641, 660, 662,
e-questionnaires, 178
opt-in, 655
E-marketing, 637–68
see companies;
E-commerce; Internet
definition, 637–42
planning, 642–66
actions, 664
objectives, 648–50
situation analysis, 642–8
strategies, 647, 650–5
tactics, 655–64
E-questionnaires, 178
E-tailing, 802–4
Early adopters, 126–7, 297
Internet, 421
market segmentation, 255–6
product launches, 322
Easton, G., 38, 75, 77
EasyJet, 463, 566, 567, 576, 637, 650
EBay, 641, 651
Eco-performance, 735–6, 737, 738–9,
740, 741–2, 746–7
Ecological marketing concept, 727
Economic order quantity (EOQ),
Economic value to the customer
(EVC), 304
Economics, 17, 613, 671
economic growth, 4, 726, 732, 739
economic significance, 70–1, 73
environmental issues, 729, 732
Industrial Organization economics,
58, 63, 65
innovation, 81
integration, 613, 629
marketing strategy, 53, 58, 62

of promotion, 451–2
retail competition, 778
risk, 616–17
service economy, 585–7
Economies of scale, 4, 6, 500, 526
integration, 651
mass production, 247
resources, 103
retailing, 777
voluntary groups, 779
Ecover, 737, 747
ECRseeEfficient consumer response
EDIseeElectronic data interchange
EDLPseeEvery Day Low Price
Education, 400, 453, 720
measuring, 504–30
promotional, 427, 430, 431, 439,
Efficiency, 439, 504, 506
e-marketing, 639, 647
economies of, 4
SMEs, 764
Efficient consumer response (ECR),
Egg, 567, 651
Ego enhancement, 152
Eight Es, 28
Eisenhardt, K. M., 80, 328
Electoral roll data, 263
Electrolux, 749
Electronic commerce seeE-commerce
Electronic data interchange (EDI), 363,
579, 649
Electronic point-of-sale (EPoS)
systems, 464, 477, 790, 793
see alsoPoint-of-sale merchandising
Elkington, J., 735
Ellram, L. M., 164
EMD alliance, 800
Emergence, 77–9
Emirates Airline, 389
brand values, 301, 304
cause-related marketing, 680, 692
emotional reward, 389–90
emotional values, 372, 377, 378, 379,
386, 390
research methods, 183–4, 185
retail atmospherics, 797
social marketing communications,
see alsoManagers; People
attitudes, 551
brand, 379, 380, 382, 392
corporate, 374, 375
empowerment, 390–1
organizational culture, 386–7
values, 372, 386
vision, 384, 385

cause-related marketing, 682
correspondence analysis, 205–6
delivering value, 539
differentiation, 532
e-marketing, 662–3
empowerment, 47, 390–1
idea generation, 319
implementation capabilities, 539,
integrated marketing
communications, 413, 414
internal marketing, 34, 35, 551, 553,
international marketing, 621
learning, 526
motivated, 487
organizational buying, 145–7
part-time marketeers, 35, 46, 532,
relationship management, 532
retailing, 798
retention, 47
salespeople, 219–20, 360–2, 363–9,
473, 516–17, 798
services, 34, 585, 590–1, 596–7,
603–5, 606–7
shareholder value, 494
SMEs, 758
consumer, 672, 675
employees, 47, 390–1
social marketing, 718
Enacted environments, 77–8
End-user concept, 611
Engel, J. F., 121
Englis, B. G., 399
English language, 622
Enlightenment Project, 18
Enron, 752
Enterprise resource planning (ERP),
Entrepreneurs, 374, 758–61, 762, 764,
765, 769–71, 773–4
Entry barriers, 509–11, 512, 733
Entry strategies, 800–1
Environment, business, 64, 103, 104,
157, 158, 160
Environmental analysis seeSituational
Environmental issues:
see alsoGreen marketing
consumer awareness, 402, 405
path analysis, 235
social responsibility, 697
Environmentalism, 727, 728
EOQseeEconomic order quantity
EPoSseeElectronic point-of-sale
ERPseeEnterprise resource planning
Error in sampling, 189, 190, 192
Escalation, 7
Esso, 476
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