The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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816 Index

Ethical issues:
business ethics, 671
children, 253, 254
Co-operative Bank, 733
ethical investment, 730, 732
green marketing, 733–4
promotion, 452
social marketing, 697, 709, 710, 719
EUseeEuropean Union
Euro currency, 613, 624, 625
Europe, retailing, 779, 780, 781, 782,
783, 784
European Association of Advertising
Agencies, 446, 447
European Union (EU), 622, 623, 626,
627, 630, 631
economic integration, 613, 629
environmental issues, 733, 744, 751
euro currency, 613, 624
retail employees, 777
brand, 391–2, 520
cause-related marketing, 685–6
consumer decision-making, 122–3,
124, 135, 150–1
financial, 504–5, 506–7, 511–12, 528,
new product development, 331,
organizational buying, 150, 151–2
salespeople, 369
Evans, Martin, 246–83
EVCseeEconomic value to the
Everett, S., 411
Every Day Low Price (EDLP) concept,
466, 794, 795
Evidence, 605–6, 663
Evidential reasoning, 231
Evolutionary ecology, 7–8, 61, 62,
63–4, 65–6, 69
see alsoCo-evolution
Excellence, 79, 308
Excess capacity utilization, 614, 619
Exchange, 15, 172, 274
relationships, 11–14
social marketing, 698, 699–700
Executive judgement, 428
Exhibitions, 420, 425
Exit barriers, 307–8
see alsoSwitching costs
Expectations, 102, 148, 372
Expenses, 96–7
Experian, 258, 269
Experience, 587–8
Experience curve, 505, 526, 527
Experiential knowledge, 769–70, 771
Expert systems, 198, 218–19, 241
Dempster–Shafer theory, 229
rough set theory, 226
Exploratory research, 173, 181, 182,

Exporting, 611, 614, 616, 617, 626–7,
630, 654, 762
Extended product, 656–7
External audit, 92
External ratios, 428
Extranets, 579, 583, 638
Exxon, 616, 735–6

5-a-Day for Better Health, 708, 709
5Is (identification, individualization,
interaction, integration, integrity),
5Ss (sell, serve, speak, save, sizzle),
FA seeFactor analysis
Facilitated giving, 679–80
Factor analysis (FA), 200, 201, 207
Factory outlet centres, 783
Fairmont Hotel, 477–8
Family, 252–4, 401–2, 597
Farrell, John, 410
Fast moving consumer goods (fmcg),
165, 361, 407, 594, 597
brand building, 646
consumer databases, 525
direct marketing, 573
quality, 517
sales promotion, 479, 480
Fayol, Henri, 739
FDB, 781
Federal Express, 308
Federal National Mortgage Company,
Federated, 783
e-CRM, 664
integrated marketing
communications, 407, 409
job satisfaction, 369
market initiators, 128
Feldman, W., 145
Fenwick, I., 213
Ferguson, W., 153
Field research, 175, 327
Fill, C., 426
see alsoBudgets; Costs; Investment
competitive advantage, 504, 505,
conflict potential, 505–7
development marketing
expenditure, 504–5, 513–14,
520, 523
evaluation, 504–5, 506–7, 511–12,
528, 529
maintenance marketing
expenditure, 504–5, 513–14,
522, 523
organizational buying, 149

planning and control process,
SMEs, 758, 759
strategic marketing plan, 90, 96, 107
Finance managers, 505, 511, 528, 606
Financial risk, 376, 391, 616–17
Financial services, 131–2, 133
credit, 595
dynamic change, 763
ethical investment, 730, 732
green products, 736
integrated marketing
communications, 414
sales promotion, 472
staff turnover, 367
Fine, Seymour, 696, 705
‘Finessers’, 132
Fiocca, R., 164
Firat, A. Fuat, 19, 21, 22, 28–9
First Direct, 566, 567
First mover advantage, 297, 625
Fishbein, M., 123–4
Fisher, A., 649
Fisher, L., 149
Fitzgerald, Niall, 466
Five forces analysis, 60, 653
Five Rs, 747
‘Five whys’ method, 385
Flat organization, 78
company size, 99
competitive advantage, 101
entrepreneur skills, 769
international marketing, 628
SMEs, 760
social marketing, 715
Flick, U., 174
Flora, J. A., 696
FmcgseeFast moving consumer
Focus group interviews, 327
Follow-up, 365
Food retail, 129–30, 132, 133, 135, 137,
Foodstuffs Group, 779
Ford, 552–3, 567, 639, 657, 733
Ford, D., 36, 42, 142
Ford, Henry, 247
Forecasting, 198, 213, 578
cash flow, 301, 312
demand, 102
lead-time reduction, 499
net present value, 292–3, 295–6
numeric, 110, 112
shareholder value, 301
SOMs, 223
strategic marketing plan, 90
Formula marketing, 9
Fort Sterling, 749
Forward integration, 104
Four Cs (consumer, cost, convenience,
communication), 288, 405–6
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