Index 817
Four Ps (product, price, place,
promotion), 9–10, 287, 311, 419,
see alsoMarketing mix; Seven Ps
abandonment of, 405–6
BMW example, 436–7
cause-related marketing, 676
e-marketing, 655
international marketing, 612, 624–6,
professionalism, 108
relationship marketing, 32, 38
service sector, 598
SMEs, 765
strategic marketing planning, 94, 95
Fowles, J., 453
Fox, Karen, 696, 715
Foxall, Gordon, 119–41
markets, 171, 246, 247, 611
media channels, 404
postmodern marketing, 20, 21, 29
Frame of discernment, 230, 231
France, 616, 622, 780
Franchises, 619, 780–1, 801
Franz, G., 402
Fraser, C., 470
Fraud, 476, 602
Frazier, G. L., 42
Free Books for Schools, 678, 688
Freeman, J., 69
Freemans, 802
Freeports, 626
French Connection, 454
Frequency of purchase, 353
Friends of the Earth, 748
Friskies Petcare, 479
Full-service agencies, 425, 426, 432,
Functional integration, 411, 488, 743,
see alsoCross-functional teams
green marketing, 743, 746
new product development, 329,
331, 333–4, 338
Functional planning, 97
Functional specialists, 10
Functionality, 372, 391
FUSINTER discretization technique,
Future Foundation, 250
Fuzzy decision trees, 216–18
Fuzzy sets, 198, 215–16, 217, 241
Galbraith, J. K., 8
Gale, Brad, 71
Game theory, 61, 62–3, 64–5, 224–6,
305–6, 518
Gamecards, 476
Games, 679
Gandhi, Mahatma, 342
Gap, 731
Gap analysis, 108
Garda, R. A., 624
Garino, J., 650, 651
Gatekeepers, 145, 146, 158, 364, 717,
GATT seeGeneral Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade
Gattora, J., 38
Gay market, 252, 255
Gender, 251–2
General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade (GATT), 616
General Electric, 552–3, 639
General Motors, 474, 567, 639, 733
Generalized linear models (GLMs),
log-linear analysis, 212
logistic regression, 210–12
ordinary least squares regression,
208–10, 212
Generation effects, 69
Generation X/Y, 250
Geodemographic segmentation,
258–63, 269, 272, 277–8, 710, 711
Geographic information systems
(GIS), 269, 270, 790, 791, 793
Geographical distance, 42
German companies, 146, 436
Germany, 5, 586
Ghosh, B. C., 442
Ghosh, S., 656
Ghoshal, S., 75
Gibbs, Brian, 698
Giddens, Anthony, 78
Gifts, 463, 473, 679–80
Gillette, 403, 409, 463, 472
Gilmore, J. H., 587
GISseeGeographic information
GlaxoSmithKline, 657, 659
Glenn, Martin, 688
GLMsseeGeneralized linear models
Global marketing, 403, 415
see alsoInternational marketing
Global physical environment, 730
Global warming, 730
Globalization, 101, 171, 405, 531, 612,
anti-globalization protests, 19, 672
e-marketing, 661
GM crops, 733
Gnutella, 659
Goal congruence, 516
Goal programming, 233
Goal-orientated approach, 175
Gofton, K., 250, 275
Golden Wonder, 480
Golshani, F., 230, 645
Goodyear, 480
Goold, Michael, 74
Gordon, W., 181
Gould, Stephen Jay, 61, 412, 415, 416,
Grand narratives, 18
Granite Rock, 388
Grant, John, 28
Grattan, 802
Great Universal Stores (GUS), 566,
567, 651, 802
Greatorex, M., 148
Green marketing, 726–56
see alsoEnvironmental issues
competitive advantage, 735–6
eco-performance, 735–6, 737, 738–9,
740, 741–2, 746–7
future of, 752–3
green consumers, 736–8, 739–41
management challenge, 742–6
marketing environment
reconceptualization, 729–34
marketing mix, 746–52
strategy, 734–5
Green, P. A., 151, 185
Greenacre, M. J., 205
Grein, A. F., 412, 415, 416
Grey markets, 421, 601, 626, 630
Griffin, A., 317, 338
Griffin, T., 412
Gr ̈onroos, C., 33, 34, 40, 44, 274, 587,
592, 599, 607
Gronstedt, A., 411
Group discussions, 181–2
acquisitions, 294
economic, 4, 726, 732, 739
product life cycle, 6–7
Gruber, U., 626
Guarantees, 463, 798
Gucci, 631
Guidelines, 99, 101–9, 116
Guillet de Monthaux, P. B. L., 43
Guinness, 337, 415, 472, 646
Gulati, R., 650, 651
Gummesson, Evert, 33, 39, 40, 532,
Gurney, G., 221
GUSseeGreat Universal Stores
H ̈aagen-Dazs, 435
Habitual buying behaviour, 133–4,
Hahn, B., 783
Hajek, P., 229
Hakansson, H., 39–40, 43, 75, 159, 161
Halinen-Kaila, A., 11, 14
Hallmark, 389
Hamel, Gary, 54, 385
Hammer, M., 54
Hammond, J., 54
Hanrahan, J., 785
Hardy, X., 316