818 Index
Harker, M. J., 33
Harrell, G. A., 625
Harry Potter, 677
Hart, Susan, 314–41
Harvard Business School, 53
Harvey, P. D., 716
Harvey-Jones, John, 3–4
Hastings, Gerard, 694–725
Hawkins, D. I., 192
Hayes, R., 9
Haywood, A. J., 696
Health issues, 694–5, 696, 699, 700–2,
Heinz, 406, 463, 464, 466, 467, 793
Help the Aged, 689–90
Henderson, Bruce, 53, 54, 58, 59
Henderson, T., 385
Heterogeneity of demand, 61, 66, 80
Heuristic programming, 237, 238,
Hewlett-Packard, 374, 481, 659
Hierarchy of effects, 57, 450–1
Higgins, J. C., 224, 233
High involvement, 119, 126, 134–5,
High-low pricing, 794, 795
Hill, R., 145, 148, 151
Hillier, F., 145, 148, 151
Hiram Walker, 481
Hitachi, 466
Hite, R., 470
HIV/AIDS, 694, 699
Hoffman, D. L., 641
Hofstede, Geert, 615
Holbrook, M., 587
Holden, R. K., 344, 351, 353
Holder, Jonathon, 458
Holistic approaches:
green marketing, 727, 728, 739,
743–4, 751–2
integrated marketing
communications, 398, 409, 415,
Hollow organizations, 537, 538, 557
Homans, G. C., 38
Home shopping, 566, 567, 802
Honda, 73–5, 433
Honeywell, 552–3
Hooch, 378
Hoover, 476
Horgan, J., 79
Horizontal organization, 489, 490
Hospitality, 256
Hotelling model, 66, 67
Housing, 261
Howard, N., 154
HRMseeHuman resource
HSBC, 567
Hubbard, T., 415
Hughes Christenson, 656
Hultink, E. J., 322
Human resource management
(HRM), 375, 597, 798
Hunt, M. S., 80, 84
Hunt, S. D., 33, 37, 39, 40, 44
Hurt, H. Y., 132
Hybrid models, 200, 236–7, 238, 240
dynamic programming, 236, 238
heuristic programming, 237, 238,
stock control models, 237
Hyper involvement, 707
Hyper-competition, 397
Hypermarkets, 784, 785
Hyperreality, 19, 20, 29
IBM, 103, 294, 500, 631, 672
customer information system, 478
customer relationship management,
540, 541
direct marketing, 567
e-marketing, 637
Iceland, 467
Iddiols, David, 414–15, 416
Idea generation, 319, 324, 327, 332
Identification, 655
brand as, 380–1
corporate, 98, 749
postmodern, 21, 28
IKEA, 788
Image, 786–8
brand, 381–2
corporate, 408, 409, 416
postmodern advertising, 19
product attributes, 715
SMEs, 767
IMCseeIntegrated marketing
IMPseeIndustrial Marketing and
Purchasing Group; International
Marketing and Purchasing Group
Imperfect competition, 5, 10, 14
Implementation, 531–61
barriers, 547–50, 557
brand, 390–1, 392
e-marketing, 664
internal marketing, 532, 533, 550–6,
557, 558
marketing organization, 536–43,
organizational stretch, 533, 534–6,
price analyses, 343–4
problems, 543–7
relationship marketing, 32–3
strategic marketing plan, 95, 97, 110
Impulse buying, 120, 134, 137, 467
In-mail promotions, 462
In-pack promotions, 461, 462
In-store promotions, 137, 461, 468, 479
Incomes, 261, 354, 620, 626, 630
Incorporated Society of British
Advertisers (ISBA), 439, 443, 444
Independent Television Commission,
423–4, 453, 454
Independents, 779
Individual depth interviews, 182–3
Individualization, 655
Industrial Marketer’s Checklist, 620
Industrial marketing, 142, 473, 763
Industrial Marketing and Purchasing
Group (IMP), 34, 35, 44, 46, 142,
146, 158
Industrial Organization (IO)
economics, 58, 63, 65
Industrial revolution, 4, 171, 586
Industry data, 176
Industry environment, 104, 732–3
Industry norms, 762–4
Influencers, 145, 146, 158
Infomediation, 659
see alsoData; Knowledge
brand as shorthand, 375–6, 391
brokerage, 652
business analysis, 320–1, 324, 332
consumer processing, 122, 124–5,
133, 135, 138
international marketing, 619–20
Internet, 362–3
lack of, 110, 111
management process, 493–4
marketing research, 173, 176
markets, 322–5, 330, 338
new product development, 329–31
organizational buying, 150–1
overload, 400
pre-call planning, 364
sales management, 361, 364
sharing, 333, 502
speed of access, 403–4
Information acceleration, 327
Information age, 374, 376–7
Information systems, 478, 487
see alsoGeographic information
direct marketing, 572, 576–80,
geodemographic, 711
international marketing, 610
management, 176, 529
variable precision rough sets, 228
Information technologists, 434
Information technology (IT), 14, 89,
362, 403, 672
see alsoComputers; Internet;
cost savings, 391
customer contact operations, 360
customer relationship management,
489, 501
databases, 11
distribution, 310