The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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Index 819

price analyses, 344
systems, 493
Tesco Computers for Schools
programme, 686, 687
Innovation, 5, 407, 488, 524, 672, 691
commercial success, 101
competitive advantage, 512–13
consumer involvement, 125–7
economic, 81
green marketing, 735
interaction approach, 161
internal marketing, 551
Kirton Adaption–Innovation
Inventory, 128, 129
launch strategy, 322
new product development, 316, 318
participative structures, 335
R&D, 6
SMEs, 772, 773
supplier, 333
technological, 171
venture marketing organization,
Innovators, 128, 129–30, 131, 132, 133,
see alsoEarly adopters
Internet, 421
market segmentation, 255
product launches, 322
Inseparability, 589–90, 594, 596, 599,
600–1, 602
Institute of Practitioners in
Advertising (IPA), 436, 443, 444,
446, 450
Institute of Public Relations, 422
Institute of Sales Promotion (ISP),
443, 477
Institutional economics, 38, 39
Insurance, 617
Intangibility of services, 585, 588–9,
594–5, 598, 599, 602, 605
Integrated marketing communications
(IMC), 308, 395–418, 419, 422
agencies, 426, 467
barriers to, 413–14
benefits, 407–8
definition, 397–400
external factors, 400–4
green marketing, 749
growth of, 404–5
international dimensions, 415–16
organizational approaches, 410–13
sales promotion, 480
achieving, 409–10
barriers to, 413–14
brand building, 383
CRM/SCM, 485–503
e-marketing, 641–2, 647, 651, 656,
661, 663
economic, 613, 629
functional, 411, 488, 743, 746

green marketing, 743, 746
new product development, 329,
331, 333–4, 338
multichannel, 492–3
organizational, 540–1
Integrity, 656
Intel, 329, 519
Intellectual capital, 532
Intellectual property rights, 625
Intentions, 121, 123–4, 127
Interaction, 144, 158–65, 572–3, 574,
agencies, 408
e-marketing, 656, 661
human, 774
marketing variables, 197
relationship marketing, 12–13, 34,
35–6, 37
Interactive marketing, 573–80
e-marketing, 641, 650, 664
promotions, 468, 469
Interdependence, 194, 198, 542
Intermediaries, 362, 495, 500
e-marketing, 645
retailers, 57
sales promotion, 460, 464, 473, 480
services marketing, 603
SMEs, 763
social marketing, 716–17
Internal audit/analysis, 92, 645–8
Internal branding, 374, 390–1
Internal marketing, 34, 35, 532, 533,
550–6, 557, 558
Internal partnerships, 40
Internal ratios, 428
International Corporate Identity
Group, 380
International marketing, 610–36, 787
see alsoGlobal marketing
change, 611–13
domestic marketing comparison,
driving forces, 610–18
operationalization, 627–9
organizational buying, 158
risk, 615–18
situational analysis, 618–21
International Marketing and
Purchasing (IMP) Group, 34, 35,
44, 46, 142, 146, 158
Internationalization, 102, 611, 612,
613, 631, 671
interaction approach, 160
retailing, 799–801
sales operations, 360
Internet, 321, 531, 620, 672
see alsoE-mail; E-marketing;
access, 644
advertising, 420–2, 424
banking, 630

Dell Computers, 500
direct marketing, 566–7 ‘bust’, 289
e-CRM, 581
e-tailing, 802–4
effect on sales operations, 362–3
interactive marketing, 573–6
interest groups, 744
market research, 176, 178
online price comparison, 354, 356
product delivery, 308
relationship marketing, 165
sales, 89–90
sales promotion, 468, 469, 479
search costs, 353
SMEs, 774
switching costs, 354–5
Internet User Profile 2000, 421
Internet Value Proposition (IVP), 655,
Interorganizational marketing, 11–14,
Interval scales, 186
Interviews, 173, 177–8, 182–3, 327
Intimacy, 308
Intranets, 542, 638
Inventory management, 237, 355,
brand, 521–2
communications, 309–10
competitive advantage, 510, 511–13
expenditure, 514
e-marketing, 662, 666
ethical, 730, 732
international marketing, 611
R&D, 9
reducing, 296–7, 298, 311
shareholder value, 507
value-based marketing, 292–3
Invisible hand, 77
Involvement, 119, 122, 125–7, 130–6,
137, 138
brand image, 381–2
services, 596, 603
social marketing, 703, 706–7
IOseeIndustrial Organization
IPA seeInstitute of Practitioners in
ISBAseeIncorporated Society of
British Advertisers
ISO standards, 625, 631
ISPseeInstitute of Sales Promotion
ITseeInformation technology
IVPseeInternet Value Proposition

Jackson, Michael, 23
Jacob’s, 477, 480
Jacobs, B., 434
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