The Marketing Book 5th Edition

(singke) #1

820 Index

Jacoby, J., 375
Jamjar, 657
Jap, S. D., 38
Japan, 5, 11, 448, 460, 613, 616, 623
Japanese companies, 36, 289, 436, 625,
Jaworski, B. J., 79
Jeans, R., 398, 412
Jefferson, Thomas, 419, 569
Jemison, D. B., 42
Jeuland, A., 343
Jif, 403
JIGSAW consortium, 275
JITseeJust-in-time processes
Job analysis, 366, 367
Job description, 367
Job satisfaction, 369
Johansson, J. K., 239
John Lewis Partnership, 574, 651, 783,
798, 804
Johne, A. F., 337
Johnson, G., 785
Joint decision-making, 155
Joint ventures, 543, 612, 651, 801
see alsoAlliances; Collaboration
Jones, J. P., 459–60
Judgement sampling, 191, 566, 651
Just-in-time processes (JIT), 36, 162,
333, 486, 495, 583, 799
Juxtaposition of opposites, 20, 22, 29

K-strategies, 63–4
Kahan, H., 182
KAIseeKirton Adaption-Innovation
Kalakota, R., 638
Kapferer, J.-N., 373
Kardash, W. J., 737
Karim, S., 697
Katsikeas, C. S., 625
Kattan, M. W., 227
Kaufmann, S., 78–9
Kay, John, 54, 58
Kays, 802
Keegan, W. J., 625
Keller, J. W., 184
Kellert, S. H., 239
Kelloggs, 462, 469, 472, 473, 474, 480,
Key account management, 164–5, 166,
496, 537
Key performance indicators (KPIs),
494, 642, 646–8, 665
Kidder, L. H., 183
Kiefer, R. O., 625
Kilbourne, W. E., 737
King, Stephen, 9
Kinnear, T. C., 173, 177, 186
Kirby, Susan, 698

Kirton Adaption–Innovation
Inventory (KAI), 128–9, 130, 131,
Kirton, M. J., 128, 129
KISS (Keeping It Simple) principle,
683, 685
Kitchen, P. J., 398, 408, 412–13, 414,
416, 426
Klein, L., 645
Kleinschmidt, E. J., 315, 316, 325
Know-how, 619, 628
see alsoInformation
experiential, 769–70, 771
international markets, 619
organizational buying, 148–9
postmodernism, 18
Knowledge management, 274, 487–8,
Knowledge workers, 292
Kodak, 462, 731, 747
Kohli, A. K., 79
Kohonen self-organizing map, 221–3
Kohonen, T., 222–3
Kondratieff cycle, 8
Kotler, P., 588, 599, 621
competition, 10
social marketing, 694, 695–7,
699–700, 703–5, 715, 716, 719
KPIsseeKey performance indicators
Kraft, 480
Krapfel, R. E., 164
Kucher, E., 352
Kumar, N., 650
Kumar, V., 176, 178
Kwik-Fit, 532

LAseeLatent analysis
La Redoute, 566, 567
Labelling, 750–1
costs, 360, 605, 612, 614
division of, 4
standards, 731
technology effect on, 8
Laddering, 386, 390
Lake, Mike, 689
Lakeland, 567
Lambkin, M., 64, 69
Land Rover, 378
Lands’ End, 576
Langmaid, R., 181
Language, 172, 622
fuzzy sets, 215, 217
postmodernism, 20, 29
Lannon, Judy, 399, 400–1, 402, 413,
414, 308
Late mover advantage, 625
Latent analysis (LA), 200–1, 207
Lateral partnerships, 40

Launch marketing strategy, 130, 134,
321, 322, 323
Laura Ashley, 801
Lauterborn, R., 288
Lavidge, R. C., 450
Layering, 112–13
Lead times, 99, 499
Lead user analysis, 327
Leader line pricing, 793–4
Leadership, 108–9
branding best practice, 416
e-marketing, 655
green marketing, 742–3
sales management, 368
Leads, 89, 364
cognitive, 134
experience curve, 526
Honda case, 74–5
Kohonen self-organizing map, 221,
222, 223
organizational, 538
salespeople, 365
stochastic processes, 224
Webster–Wind model, 158
Leathar, D. S., 718
Leeflang, P. S. H., 67
Leek, Sheena, 142–70
Lefebvre, R. C., 696, 718
Legacy systems, 581
Legal issues:
see alsoRegulation
brand, 373–4, 391
cause-related marketing, 683–4
international law, 623
Legitimacy, crisis of, 25
Leisure, 262
Leowontin, R., 61, 657
Lever Brothers, 318, 579
Lever Faberg ́e, 676, 690
Lever, William Heskith, 669
Levi Strauss, 247, 254, 255, 256, 379,
403, 415
Levins, R., 61
Levitt, Theodore, 5–7, 10, 42–3, 314,
437, 591–2
Levy, S. J., 700–1
Liberalism, 18
Licensing, 468, 619, 677
Liebermann, S., 343
Life cycle customer account
profitability, 505
Lifestyle, 254–5, 631
benefit segmentation, 257
‘new’ lifestyle segmentation, 263–4
social marketing, 711
Lifetime value (LTV), 44, 492, 498,
524, 656
interactive marketing, 574, 579
segmentation, 278, 280
Likert scales, 188, 202, 254, 255
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