The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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Index 821

Lillien, G. L., 352
Lind, H., 451, 452
Line management, 110, 111–12, 547
Linear programming (LP), 232–3, 234
Linearity, 232
Lingras, P. J., 226–7
Links, 660, 664
Linton, I., 407–8, 409
LISREL (linear structural relations),
200, 235–6, 241
Lister, P., 145
Literature, 17
Little Chef, 599
Littler, D., 328
Littlewoods, 802
see alsoPlace
retailing, 790–1
SMEs, 767–8
Lock-ins, 354
Log-linear analysis, 212
Logistic regression, 210–12
Logistics, 496, 497, 499–500, 538, 539,
see alsoDistribution
green, 750
labelling, 750–1
retailing, 798–9
value proposition, 89
Logos, 373, 420, 677
London Lighthouse, 699
Long wave theory, 8
Alpine/Germanic competition, 11
brand vision, 384
cost advantage, 527
expenditure, 514
financial planning, 515, 516, 517
international marketing, 611
planning, 99, 113–14
price elasticity, 303
shareholder value, 312
social marketing, 700, 702
value-based marketing, 292
Longitudinal studies, 176
Lovelock, C., 592
Low involvement, 119, 127, 130, 707
Loyalty, 249, 276, 297
brand, 134, 136, 469, 470, 480–1
decline of, 485–6
discriminant analysis, 212, 214
stochastic process models, 224
cause-related marketing, 675, 676,
686, 691, 692
customer database, 583
discriminant analysis, 212
loyalty cards, 165, 179, 270, 610, 799
sales promotion, 460, 463, 468,
Tesco Clubcard, 273, 568, 569
relational segmentation, 274

relationship marketing, 35, 40, 76,
schemes, 264, 278, 406–7, 525,
services marketing, 43
shareholder value, 508
staff, 386
LPseeLinear programming
LTV seeLifetime value
Lubatkin, M., 88
Luck, D. J., 176, 188, 193, 194, 695
Lucozade, 433
Luo, W., 230
Lyapunov exponent, 239–40
Lyotard, Jean-Francois, 19

McArthur, D. N., 412
McCarthy, Jerome, 10, 419, 423, 655
McCloskey, D. N., 70
McCorkell, Graeme, 565–84
McDonald, Malcolm, 87–116, 642
McDonaldization, 17
McDonald’s, 19, 403, 487, 731
brand, 373, 386
sales promotion, 463, 467, 471, 474,
MacFadyen, Lynn, 694–725
McGee, J., 60
McGoldrick, Peter J., 776–805
McKelvey, B., 61
McKenna, Regis, 76, 481, 583
McKenzie, R. B., 158
McKinsey, 54, 288
Macmillan Cancer Relief, 689
MacNaghten, P., 753
Macneil, I. R., 38
Macro environment, 104
Madonna, 23
Magazines, 255–6, 402, 475, 567
Maidique, M. A., 316
Mail order, 423, 565, 566, 802
Mail questionnaires, 178
Mail shots, 431
Maintenance marketing expenditure,
504–5, 513–14, 522, 523
Mair, A., 75
Malhotra, N. K., 173, 181
Malo, K., 172
Malthus, Thomas, 6
Maltz, E., 331
Management by objectives, 369
see alsoEntrepreneurs; Top
account managers, 433, 434, 436
attitudes, 551
bottom-up pressure, 556
brand, 372, 378–9, 381, 382, 387
building, 383–4
values, 386
vision, 384–5, 392

bureaucratic control, 334
conflicting roles, 413
corporate branding, 375
decision-making, 172
finance, 505, 511, 528, 606
implementation problems, 533
integrating, 334–5
line, 110, 111–12, 547
managerial intentionality, 80
managerial orientation, 4–5
market research, 195
new product, 337
performance measures, 516
planner role, 114–15
promotional mix, 441
relationship marketing, 45
sales, 368, 369, 370
service organization, 606
shareholder value, 312
Manoff, Dick, 696
Manrai, L. A., 622
Manufacturing, 3–4, 14–15, 143, 586,
589, 603, 793
Many-to-many communications, 641
Marathon, 403
March, James, 74–5, 148, 150
Marginal cost pricing, 601
Market environment, 104
Market forces, 5
Market initiators, 128–9, 134
Market penetration, 297, 653
Market pull, 316–17, 318
Market research, 89, 108, 120, 171–96,
572, 584
see alsoData; Measurement;
Quantitative methods; Research
studies; Situational analysis
analysis of results, 192–4
bias, 173, 180, 192
business analysis, 320
definitions, 173
demographics, 250
e-marketing, 642
integrated marketing
communications, 415
internal marketing, 553
international marketing, 619, 620,
intranets, 638
measurement, 184–9
new product development, 325–7
postmodern, 24
process of, 174–5
qualitative, 322, 584
report presentation, 194
sampling, 176, 179, 189–92, 194
SMEs, 760–1
types of, 173–4
Market Research Society Code of
Conduct, 250
Market segmentation see
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