The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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822 Index

Market share, 6, 174, 619
Ansoff matrix, 518
BCG matrix, 59–60
e-marketing, 653
Japanese companies, 289
pricing, 303
ROI relationship, 71–2, 73
share of voice relationship, 521–2
SMEs, 761
value-adding, 508
Market-focus, 507–9
Market-orientation, 247, 499–500
Marketing audit, 91–3, 99, 100, 103,
104, 105, 112
Marketing concepts:
definitions of marketing, 3–15, 120,
marketing in context, 766–8
marketing function, 9–11, 15
value-based marketing, 288, 291–4,
Marketing department, 9, 88, 89, 536,
Marketing director, 743
Marketing mix, 9–10, 15, 142, 287–313
see alsoFour Ps; Mix management
paradigm; Seven Ps
accounting approach, 289–91
cause-related marketing, 676
cross-elasticities, 67
decision-making, 298–311
e-marketing, 655–63
enhanced, 459
evaluation, 174
green marketing, 746–52
interdependence, 198
international marketing, 629, 630–1
linear programming, 233
market segmentation, 256, 277
positioning, 278–9
sales promotion, 461, 464, 469,
services, 598–606, 607
shareholder value, 288, 289, 291–2,
293, 294–8, 312
SMEs, 765
social marketing, 700, 714–19
traditional approach, 288–9
Marketing organization, 533, 536–43,
Marketing orientation, 5–7, 8, 9, 10,
79, 366, 606, 607
Marketing public relations (MPR),
Marketing research seeMarket
attractiveness, 288
BCG matrix, 59–60
business-to-business, 142, 143, 144,
147, 166
communications strategy, 308

concentration, 147
defining, 88, 89
e-marketing, 653–4
efficient, 32
emergent, 77
entry barriers, 509–11, 512, 733
evolution, 69, 80, 81, 105, 106
external auditing, 92
feasibility analysis, 765–6
fragmentation, 171, 246, 247, 611
global, 611, 613, 615, 620–1, 626,
627–30, 801
green marketing, 736
growth of, 726
information, 322–5, 330, 338, 619
internal marketing, 552
internationalization, 102, 612–13
maturity, 7, 101, 102, 309
networks, 57–8, 65, 75–6, 78
new product development, 317
portfolio analysis, 106–7
price elasticity, 352
rapid response, 82
relationship marketing, 37–9
spoiling, 615
understanding, 487–8
Markets as networks perspective,
57–8, 65, 75–6, 78
Markov model, 224
Marks & Spencer, 477, 519, 783, 784
acquisitions, 801
credit services, 798
own brands, 792
Marlboro, 511, 519
Marn, M., 345
Marone, M., 172
Marriage metaphor, 42–3
Marriott, 463, 552–3
Mars bar, 403
Mars group method, 386
Marsh, H., 273
Marshall, A., 344, 345
Maslow, Abraham, 8
Mason, Tim, 687
Mass consumption, 19
Mass customization, 247, 500
Mass marketing, 405, 406
Mass production, 5, 6, 19, 247
Matalan, 785
Materialism, 8
Mathews, B. P., 343
Matrix organizational structure, 335,
337, 411
Mattel Inc., 462
Mattsson, L. G., 14, 58, 76, 163, 612
Maximum likelihood latent structure
analysis (MLLSA) software, 201
May & Co., 783
Mayle, P., 442
Mazanec, J. A., 223
Mazudmar, T., 343
Meades, Jonathan, 25, 26

see alsoMetrics; Quantitative
methods; Statistical methods
advertising effectiveness, 430, 431,
attitudes, 186–9
cause-related marketing, 685–6
direct marketing, 577
eco-performance, 746–7
linear programming, 232
market segmentation, 248
marketing effectiveness, 504–30
marketing objectives, 94
performance, 494, 505, 515–18, 525,
529, 665
problems, 197
profit, 290–1
research process, 184–6
Mechanization, 4
Media, 397, 402, 404
see alsoMagazines; Posters;
ACORN classification, 261
cause-related marketing, 676, 685
e-marketing, 640–2
expenditure, 513
fragmentation, 404
green marketing, 731
heuristic programming, 237
international marketing, 626
new media, 420–2, 424
planning, 433–6
publicity, 419
scheduling, 237, 434, 435
selection, 233, 434, 435
social criticism of advertising, 453
social marketing, 697, 717, 718–19
Media advocacy, 717, 718–19
Media buyers, 434, 435
Media owners, 434, 441, 445, 446,
447–8, 453
Media planners, 434
‘Media test’, 685
Meidan, Arthur, 197–245
Memory, 123, 124–5
Mental mapping, 382
see alsoCognitive...
Mercedes, 307
Merchandising, 224, 420, 425, 796
Merck, 308, 368
Mergers, 405, 671
see alsoAcquisitions
Messages, advertising
consumer decision-making, 136–7
content, 396, 398–9, 401, 408,
409–10, 430
decoding, 472
delivery, 433–6
design of, 309
developing, 432–3
Metatheory, 11
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