Index 823
Metcalf, L. E., 160
postmodern research, 24, 25–7, 28
research, 174, 177
brand evaluation, 391–2
e-marketing performance
measurement, 665, 666
quantitative methods, 198
segmentation, 246, 248, 249, 256,
266–72, 280
Micro-management, 384
Micro-marketing, 469, 790
Micro-segmentation, 102
Microeconomics, 38, 39, 58
MicroMarketing (company), 582
Microsoft, 294, 298, 301, 519
international marketing, 614, 631
sales promotion, 462, 473, 480
Middle East, 616
Migros, 781
Miller, G., 375
Mills, Terry, 690
Military analogy, 61, 64–5, 95
Mingers, J., 78
Mini-depth interviews, 182
Mintzberg, Henry, 54, 55, 74, 77
Mission, 89, 515
Mission statement, 90, 96, 107, 291,
Mitchell, Alan, 22, 275, 276, 374
Mitchell, Jeremy, 786
Mitsubishi, 462
Mix management paradigm, 32, 37,
38, 44–5
see alsoMarketing mix
Mixed-mode buying, 641–2, 658
MLLSAseeMaximum likelihood
latent structure analysis software
Mobile phones, 315, 643
Modelling and experimentation,
AIDA, 450, 451, 472
Booz Allen Hamilton model, 315,
317, 322, 324, 325, 327, 328
brand building, 383–92
causal, 200, 235–6, 241
LISREL, 200, 235–6, 241
path analysis (PA), 200, 235, 236
cause-related marketing, 676–80
CHAID (CHi-squared Automatic
Interaction Detector), 269–72,
280, 571
decision process, 153, 538
e-marketing, 651–3
generalized linear models, 206–12
log-linear analysis, 212
logistic regression, 210–12
ordinary least squares regression,
208–10, 212
hybrid, 200, 236–7, 238, 240
dynamic programming, 236, 238
heuristic programming, 237, 238,
stock control models, 237
molecular, 593
network programming, 200, 237–40,
new product development, 315,
non-linear, 234, 239, 240
organizational buying, 152–65, 166
portfolio, 164
pricing, 343
process, 538–40
regression, 790
simulation, 81, 198, 213–15, 217,
240–1, 321–2
SME marketing, 773–4
stochastic processes, 224
transportation model, 233–5, 241
variable precision rough set, 227–9
Moderators, 181, 182
Modernism, 17, 20, 21, 26, 27
Modernity, 18
Modulation, 430, 431, 440
Molecular model, 593
M ̈oller, K., 11, 14, 33, 34, 38, 43, 44
Moments of truth, 638
Monaert, R. K., 329
Monahan, J. L., 718
‘Money managers’, 132
brand, 384, 392
cause-related marketing, 685–6
competitors, 104
continuous, 109
customer satisfaction, 108
delivering value, 88
e-marketing, 645, 665
performance, 174, 494
Monopoly, 5, 10, 14, 602
Monopoly pricing, 306
Monroe, K. B., 342, 343, 344, 348, 350,
Montoya-Weiss, M., 319–20
Moore, W. L., 322
Moorthy, J. S., 62
Morgan, Delyth, 689
Morgan, R. M., 33, 37, 39, 40, 44
Morley, K., 407–8, 409
Morris, G., 342, 348–9, 350, 351–2,
353, 355
Morris, M. H., 342, 348–9, 350, 351–2,
353, 355
MOSAIC, 258, 268, 269, 711
Motivation, 158, 369, 384, 408
Moutinho, Luiz, 197–245
Movies, 23
MPRseeMarketing public relations
Mrs Fields’ Cookies, 475
MSseeMultidimensional scaling
Mulani, N., 201
Mulhall, D., 731
Mulhern, F. J., 739
Multi-product marketing, 233
Multibrand purchasing, 119, 134
Multichannel integration, 492–3
Multichannel marketing, 567
Multiculturalism, 171
Multidimensional scaling (MS), 201,
202–3, 204, 207, 240, 279
Multinational corporations, 396, 615,
616, 619, 671, 731, 801
Multipacks, 462
Multiple convergent approach, 331–3
Multiple regression, 206
Multiples, 779
Multistage sampling, 190–1
Multivariate analysis, 194, 198, 200–6,
207, 240
cluster analysis, 201–2, 207, 221,
222, 223
conjoint analysis, 203–4, 207
correspondence analysis, 204–6,
207, 240, 279
factor analysis, 200, 201, 207
latent analysis, 200–1, 207
multidimensional scaling, 201,
202–3, 204, 207, 240, 279
OLS regression, 208–9
Music, 17, 23
Mutuality, 40, 43
Nagle, T., 344, 349, 351, 352–4, 355,
Nambarrie, 676, 687–8
Napster, 659
Narver, J. C., 79
Nash equilibrium, 306
National Car Rental, 580
National Census seeCensus data
Neelakanta, P. S., 221
Nescaf ́e, 403
Nestl ́e, 406, 495
Net operating profit after tax
(NOPAT), 293, 295
Net present value, 292–3, 295–6, 297,
309, 524
Network marketing, 770–2, 773
Network programming models, 200,
237–40, 241
definition, 161
interorganizational relationships,
market evolution, 81
markets as, 57–8, 65, 75–6, 78
network organizations, 537, 538,
541–2, 557
relationship marketing, 34, 36, 40,
44, 76, 161–3, 165
SMEs, 770–2