The Marketing Book 5th Edition

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824 Index

Neural networks, 198, 219, 220, 221,
‘New’ lifestyle segmentation, 263–4
‘New marketing’, 28, 246, 308, 396
New media, 420–2, 424, 573, 640–2
New for old promotions, 679
New product development (NPD),
102, 120, 314–41
added value, 308
brand value, 300, 301
conjoint analysis, 203, 204
e-marketing, 654
early adopters, 297
multiple convergent approach,
qualitative research, 181
stages of, 316–22
strategy, 316–18
usefulness of models, 322–31
New Zealand, 412, 779
Newly industrialising countries, 15
News media, 453
Newsgroups, 641
Newsom-Smith, N., 175
Newspapers, 430, 452, 719
Next, 567, 783
Next Directory, 802
Niche marketing, 63, 64, 65–6, 171,
competitive advantage, 101, 103
green, 736
SMEs, 761
Nike, 301, 316, 379, 385, 694, 731
Nilson, T. S., 396
Nine Ps, 474
Nisa/Today, 780
Nissan, 495
multidimensional scaling
Nominal scales, 186
Non-comparative rating scales,
Non-governmental organizations
(NGOs), 731, 734, 735
Non-linear models, 234, 239, 240
Non-metric multidimensional scaling
(NMS), 203
Non-price competition, 778
Non-price instruments, 349
Non-probability sampling techniques,
Non-profit marketing, 697–8
Non-profit organizations, 288
Non-task-related models, 152
Non-verbal communications, 403
NOP, 421
NOPAT seeNet operating profit after
Nortel, 320
Novak, G. J., 406

Novak, T. P., 641
Novelli, Bill, 696
NPDseeNew product development
Numeric merchandising, 796

Objective-and-task method, 429
Objectives, 89, 110, 112, 369, 449
see alsoTargets
brand, 387–8, 392
cause-related marketing, 670, 674,
681, 682, 683
communications strategy, 308
e-marketing, 648–50, 665
financial, 505, 506–7, 515, 516, 517,
integrated marketing
communications, 406
linear programming, 232
market research, 181, 184
organizational buying, 152
sales promotion, 461, 478
social, 291
social marketing, 700, 708
strategic marketing plan, 90, 93–4,
95, 96, 107
Objectivity, 173
Observation, 173, 179–80
O’Donoghue, Dan, 400
O’Donohue, S., 22
O’Driscoll, T., 319–20
Oechsle, S., 385
Office layout, 387
Ogilvy, David, 460
Ohmae, Kenichi, 58, 611, 612, 615
Older people, 402
Oligopoly, 10, 352
Olins, Woolf, 409
OLSseeOrdinary least-squares
Olsen, R. F., 164
Olympus Sportsworld, 788
O’Malley, Lisa, 32–52
On-line promotions, 461, 468, 469,
476, 479
On-line purchasing, 643, 644, 658
On-line value proposition (OVP), 655,
On-pack promotion, 748–9
One-2-One, 476
One-to-one marketing, 77, 89, 165,
246, 248, 272–7, 402
customer intimacy, 308
Dell Computers, 311
e-marketing, 641
micromarketing, 790
transactional data, 266
Opal Fruits, 403
Operational excellence, 308
Operational planning, 97, 99, 100, 110,

Operational research seeDeterministic
operational research methods
Operations managers, 606
Opinion leadership, 247, 256, 277
Opportunism, 769
Opportunities, 172, 174
competitor analysis, 528
customer relationship management,
e-marketing, 637
foreign markets, 621
strategic objectives, 288
SWOT analysis, 90, 93, 96, 99, 100,
venture marketing organization,
Opportunity cost of capital, 292, 295,
Optimality, 79
Order fulfilment, 488–9
Ordinal scales, 186
Ordinary least-squares (OLS)
regression, 208–10, 212
Organic structures, 335
Organizational buying, 142–70
models, 152–65
structures, 144–52
Organizational (corporate) culture,
368, 497, 534, 536
see alsoCulture
branding, 374–5, 380, 384, 386–7,
changing, 551, 556
corporate branding, 374–5, 380
internal marketing, 553, 558
Organizational stretch, 533, 534–6,
Organizational structure, 334–6, 506,
customer-based, 543
decision-making, 153
integrated marketing
communications, 411, 413
marketing finance managers, 528
restructuring, 542, 651
strategic marketing planning,
111–12, 115
Osgood, C. E., 188
Otker, T., 127
Otto Versand, 802
Ottum, B. D., 322
Outdoor advertising, 430
Outsourcing, 15, 143, 163, 390, 665,
see alsoSubcontracting
Ovaltine, 22
Overplanning, 110, 112–13
Overriders, 97
OVPseeOn-line value proposition
Own brands, 792–3, 794
Ownership, 591, 594, 618
Oxenfeldt, A. R., 344, 345
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