Index 825
PA seePath analysis
Packaging, 420, 463
emotional values, 377
green, 747–8, 750
innovations, 477
Packard, V., 452
Page, A. L., 325, 336, 337
Paired interviews, 182
Palda, K. S., 450
Paliwoda, Stanley J., 610–36
Pallister, J., 131
Palmer, Adrian, 585–609
Panasonic, 619
Panel research, 178–9
Paradigm shifts, 536
Parallel exports/imports, 626, 630
Parallel processing, 327, 331
Parasuraman, A., 165
Pareto, Vilfredo, 569–70
Pareto’s principle, 569–71, 580
Parker, P. M., 352
Parsons, S., 231
Part-time marketeers, 35, 46, 532, 603
Participative structures, 335
Partnerships, 40, 495, 541, 583
see alsoAlliances; Co-operation;
Collaboration; Joint ventures
cause-related marketing, 670, 676–7,
680–6, 687–8, 689–90, 692
e-marketing, 651, 659
green marketing, 731, 733
Parvatiyar, A., 37, 44
Pascale, Richard, 74
Past Times, 567
Path analysis (PA), 200, 235, 236
Paul Masson, 463
Pawlak, Z., 226, 227
Payment, 132, 349, 462
Payne, Adrian, 485–503
Peapod, 637
Pearl, J., 230
Pears, 480
Peattie, Ken, 458–84, 726–56
Peattie, Sue, 458–84
Peer pressure, 183
Peer-to-peer services, 659
Penetration pricing, 303, 304
People (seven Ps)
see alsoEmployees
e-marketing, 662–3
international marketing, 621
marketing mix, 311
new product development, 333–8
services, 596–7, 598, 599, 603–4
PEPseePolitical Economy Paradigm
Pepsi-Cola, 22, 308, 543, 631
franchising, 781
sales promotion, 463, 464, 467, 474,
476, 480
Perception, 122, 138, 279, 401
brand image, 381
organizational buying, 154
of quality, 35
retail image, 786–8
of risk, 148, 149, 150, 154–5, 376,
use value, 528
Percy, L., 421
Perfect competition, 510
see alsoKey performance indicators
brand, 384
cause-related marketing, 685–6
e-marketing, 642, 665, 666
eco-performance, 735–6, 737, 738–9,
740, 741–2, 746–7
evaluating salespeople, 369
marketing audit, 91–3
measurement, 494, 505, 515–18, 525,
529, 665
monitoring, 174
risk, 376, 391
sales, 361–2
strategy relationship, 87
SWOT analysis, 90, 93, 96, 99,
technologists, 146
value-based marketing, 292
variance, 82
Performance evaluation and review
(PERT), 200, 237, 238, 239
Perishability, 591, 594
Permission marketing, 576, 656
Perpetuity method of valuing, 296,
Perrier, 403
Persil, 23, 301, 318, 579, 678, 690
Person-situation segmentation, 256–8
Personal data, 246, 249
Personal interviews, 177
Personal selling, 255, 361, 362–3, 369,
422, 798
definition, 420
green marketing, 749
innovative marketing, 772
Personal service, 589, 603, 765, 767
brand, 377–8, 382, 390, 391, 410
entrepreneurs, 759
measures, 128–9
Webster-Wind model, 158
Personalization, 273, 575, 576
PERT seePerformance evaluation and
PEST (Political, Economic, Social and
Technological) analysis, 642
Peters, Tom J., 54, 73, 632
Pettigrew, A. M., 54
Pettijohn, C., 362
Petty, R. E., 707
Phelps, J., 406
Physical evidence, 605–6, 663
Piercy, Nigel F., 27, 427, 531–61
Piggy-back promotions, 463, 477
PIMS (Profit Impact of Market
Strategy) project, 71, 72, 87, 88
Pine, B. J. II, 587
Pinto, J. K., 329, 333
Pinto, M. B., 329, 333
Piotrowski, C., 184
Pitts, M., 88
Pizza Express, 301
Place (four Ps), 94, 95, 108, 437, 602–3
see alsoLocation
e-marketing, 657–9
international marketing, 621, 625–6
marketing mix, 9–10, 287, 288–9
SMEs, 765
social marketing, 714, 716–17
Planet Hollywood, 25, 26
Planned Behaviour, Theory of, 124
Planner role, 114–15
see alsostrategic marketing
brand, 383–4
cause-related marketing, 681–2
creative, 432–3
critical path analysis, 237–9
cycle, 91, 93, 94, 113
e-marketing, 642–66
financial, 515–19
formalization, 98
integrated marketing
communications, 399
interaction approach, 160–1
international marketing, 621
management separation, 548
media, 433–6
new product development, 317
pre-call planning, 364
promotional plan, 437–9
sales promotion, 461–5
SMEs, 760
social marketing, 695, 700
Plant, R., 654–5
Pluralism, 27
Point of Purchase (POP), 467, 468
Point-of-sale (POS) merchandising,
420, 425
see alsoElectronic point-of-sale
Policy maker role, 145
Political Economy Paradigm (PEP),
38, 39
Political issues:
green marketing, 729, 731–2
social marketing, 715
Political risk, 616
Politics, internal, 115, 413, 553
Pollution, 728, 730, 732, 735, 747
Polman, Paul, 466
Pontin, A. J., 65–6
POPseePoint of Purchase
Porras, J., 385
Portals, 646, 654