826 Index
Porter, Michael E., 276, 350, 611–12,
greening, 735, 736, 749
marketing strategy, 53, 54, 58–9, 60,
63, 68
new economy, 804
value chain, 60, 739
Portfolio analysis/management,
106–7, 108, 163–5, 166, 606
Portfolio matrix, 96
Portfolio of relationships, 44, 45, 47,
POSseePoint-of-sale merchandising
Positioning, 105, 108, 246, 278–80, 520
branding, 374, 376–7, 380, 381
competitive, 67–8
consumer decision-making, 135, 137
correspondence analysis, 204
dynamic, 583
e-marketing, 650, 653, 654–5
international marketing, 621
network approach, 163
postmodernism, 17
price, 307, 401
retailing, 788–9
sales promotion, 481
SOMs, 223
strategic intent, 545
Post-decisional evaluation, 124
Post-industrial society, 8
Post-purchase activities, 121, 124
Posters, 429–31, 454
Postmodern marketing, 16–31
Postmodernity, 17, 19, 171
Poverty, 301, 695, 709, 720
Power, 46, 621
PRseePublic relations
Prahalad, C. K., 54, 385
Pre-call planning, 364
Pre-purchase activities, 119, 121, 135
Precedents, 622
Predator companies, 176
Premium prices, 296, 350, 354, 737, 749
Presentations, 364–5
Pressure groups, 731
Preston, I. L., 450
Price discrimination, 305, 307, 601
Price wars, 476
Priceline.com, 566, 657
PricewaterhouseCooper, 646
Pricing, 108, 296, 307, 311, 342–59
benchmarking, 527
BMW example, 437
cost plus pricing, 342, 617, 749
customer perspective, 348–51
customized pricing, 304–5
direct marketing, 567
discounting, 97
e-marketing, 654, 657
elasticity, 344, 345, 351–3
Every Day Low Price concept, 466,
794, 795
game theory, 224–6
green products, 737, 749–50
internal marketing, 552, 554, 555
international marketing, 614–15,
621, 624–5
limited differentiation, 407
marketing mix, 9–10, 287, 288–90,
marketing strategy, 94, 95
objectives, 94
optimizing decisions, 302–8
positioning, 401
premium, 296, 350, 354, 737, 749
price competition, 5, 305–6, 344,
345, 347, 405, 624
price sensitivity, 307, 351–6, 624,
profit drivers, 345–8
retailing, 777, 793–4, 795
sales promotions, 459, 466, 476, 481
services, 591, 598, 600–2
SMEs, 761, 763, 765
social marketing, 714, 716
strategic intent, 545
transfer pricing, 616, 617, 624
Primark, 785
Primary data, 177–80
Primary research, 175, 176
Priminime, 783
Prince, 23
Principle of Insufficient Reason, 230
Principles (company), 783
Prioritization, 107
Prisoner’s Dilemma, 305–6
Prisunic, 783
Privacy, 47, 263
Prize draws, 679
Dempster–Shafer theory, 229, 230, 231
rough set theory, 227
sampling techniques, 190–1, 192
variable precision rough sets, 227,
dynamic programming, 236
expert systems, 218–19
heuristic programming, 237
organizational buying, 155
Process thinking, 102
Process-orientation, 343
e-marketing, 663
high-level business, 487–90
international marketing, 621
marketing, 75, 79
services, 604–5
Proctor & Gamble (P&G), 424, 496,
497, 791
sales promotion, 466, 467, 473, 474,
476, 479
social marketing, 697
vertical restructuring, 542
Proctor, T., 174–5
Procurement savings, 143
Producer services, 595
Product advantage, 318
‘Product enthusiasts’, 132
Product life cycle (PLC), 6–7, 66,
69–70, 102, 108
costing, 505, 526–8
early adopters, 297
green marketing, 745–6, 751
innovations, 126
international marketing, 614
market segmentation, 255
marketing assets, 514
marketing audit, 91, 93
strategic intent, 545
Product mix, 233
Product orientation, 6, 247
Product service system (PSS), 751, 752
Product-service mix, 777
Production, 5, 9, 14
costs of, 752
economic performance, 732
reversed, 20, 21, 29
services, 589, 596, 601, 602, 604,
sustainability, 728
Production managers, 606
Products, 108, 143, 407, 460
see alsoFast moving consumer
goods; New product
development; Product life cycle
Ansoff matrix, 518
BMW example, 436
conjoint analysis, 203, 204
consumer decision-making, 136
differentiation, 5, 8, 103, 247
e-marketing, 643, 654, 656–7, 657–8
ease of comparison, 354
evaluation criteria, 151
evolution, 105, 106
green marketing, 734, 741, 744–5,
746–7, 751
innovation, 512–13, 524, 772, 792–3
internal marketing, 552, 554, 555
international marketing, 621, 623–4,
marketing mix, 9–10, 287, 288–9,
marketing strategy, 94, 95
new, 125–6, 127, 128–9, 135, 136
new for old, 679
objectives, 94
organizational buying, 148, 151,
portfolio analysis, 106–7
postmodern advertising, 19
product-based strategy, 525–8
pure goods, 588, 589, 592, 607
rejuvenation, 7
retailing, 791
samples, 462, 468, 472, 479